Fallout 3 Graphics Overhaul 2019


As frequent player of all Fallout games, with a 1000+ hours in Fallout 3 alone, I can relate to the initial struggle and countless hours lost while attempting to install mods. Hopefully this list can benefit hardened Vault Dwellers and newcomers alike.

Fallout 3 Graphics Overhaul Mod - 2014

Enhanced Blood Textures - The default blood textures in Fallout 3 are, um, bad. This mod adds in high-quality blood textures. The point of this mod is not to enhance blood and gore, but to change blood texture from being ugly and looking like strange red jello to being more immersive and real.

EVE - EVE, or Energy Visuals Enhanced, greatly improves Fallout 3’s default effects for energy weapons (plasma and laser rifles). In my opinion, EVE is one of the most impressive Fallout 3 mods available and is simply a must-have. Combine this with EIP (in the content/quests section) for perfect fusion, due to how many of the Enclave use energy weapons -- this lets EVE show off what its additions.

Fallout 3 Graphics Overhaul 2018

Fellout - Even 200 years after the nuclear war, there is a green tint to everything. Fellout corrects this so colors are normalized (but still a little washed-out and apocalyptic). A simple change that some purists may hate, but that many will love simply for ease on the eyes. Another change Fellout makes is darker nights, since default Fallout 3 nights looking more akin to a cloudy day than night in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Fallout Street Lights - The streetlights in Fallout 3 are always dark, and while that is realistic, it is fairly boring. With the combination of darker nights from Fellout and some lights from this mod, the night truly becomes eerie. I do suggest following the author’s advice and tweaking light distance via the .ini file.

Fallout 3 Graphics Mod Overhaul

A screenshot taken of a building and parking lot with Fallout and Street Lights enabled

Hi-Res Weapons - Weapons in Fallout 3 may be unique and interesting, but they certainly aren’t much to look at. This mod fixes that by greatly improving the texture resolution of some common weapons. Another notable mod which improves weapon textures is F03-WRP; these mods can be used together, although some textures will conflict, requiring you to choose one texture for a weapon.

Fallout 3 Re-Animated - Some of the animations in Fallout 3 just look awkward, and this mod aims to improve that by adding in new animations for attacking and idle. This mod includes 35 new animations, although most are for rifles.

MTUI - The UI in Fallout 3 is fairly bad. It doesn’t scale well with larger screens, fill up all the space it should, or even look good. This mod greatly improves Fallout 3’s UI, and while it is not needed, I do strongly suggest it.

Enhanced Night Sky - This simple mod really creates presence in Fallout 3 by adding a high-resolution replacement for the default night sky. Along with darker nights, this mod makes the wasteland an eerie-but-pretty place at night.

NMCs Texture Pack - You can’t have a mod overhaul without texture packs. This texture pack is a godsend for a game like Fallout 3; the default textures for things like doors and stop signs are simply atrocious, leftovers of an era when optimization concerns ran rampant. Modern hardware lets us get away with a lot higher-quality textures. This mod brings new textures, some of which are impressively lifelike. One of the textures this improves greatly is ground clutter, which is fairly blurry in Fallout 3 without mods.

Notable mention: Midhrastid ENB is a fairly good ENB mod for lighting and shadows. I unfortunately couldn’t get it to work on Windows 8.1. Also consider Fallout 3 Redesigned, which improves the faces and hair of NPCs, although it has texture compatibility issues with some of these other mods.

Continue on to page 3 for our Fallout 3 content & quest overhaul mods!

9. Make NPC Faces Look More Human

Download Fallout Character Overhaul Character faces from Bethesda's RPGs leading up to Fallout 4 are infamous for their gormless stares and creepily bland textures. Whenever you interact with NPCs in New Vegas, it's like you're staring into a void rather than into their souls, making it impossible to interpret what any character is Falloutreally thinking. Enter the Fallout Character Overhaul to not only add some much-needed soul to New Vegas NPCs, but actually make the game give Fallout 4 character faces a run for their money. The mod includes new hair styles, eye textures and of course facial textures, making each character look more lifelike, as well as more hardy and gritty - which is fitting for people living in the harsh, arid wastes of the Mojave.
This entry was posted on 06.08.2019.