Neverwinter Mod 12 Weapons
Guild + Oathbound Paladin weapons. If you really want a different weapon you can buy a regular sword from the merchants for a few silver or use some of the early seals. One of the seal vendors has a sword somewhere.
Item ReviewedA Guide To Neverwinter – Updated For Mod 12b
Whoa! This isn’t a class guide! This a guide to Neverwinter, which can be used by any player of any class!
Hello! I’m Enyo. I’ve played Neverwinter now for 4 years, and also run one of the more popular Trickster Rogue guides currently here on Mmominds. I’ve gotten really comfortable with the formatting style of Mmominds, and I’ve definitely always wanted to create more general guides to the game.
This particular guide is going to be a guide to everything and anything – there is probably going to be a ton of information on here. Likely there will be spelling errors, grammar errors and maybe even wrong information. Don’t complain about it and point fingers; just let me know and I will fix it. I love helping people out, it’s definitely not my intention to mislead or misguide players. Just keep that in mind!
Anyway, enjoy the guide and if you have suggestions or requests for Information to add to the guide, let me know and I’ll do my best to add it in! Ciao for now ~
Want to speak to me personally? Do you have questions? You can find / talk to me here.
How To Level 1 – 70 Quick
Some of this may not be obtainable for players new to the game. Don’t sweat too much if you can’t afford / obtain something 🙂
- Azure Enchantments in your Utilities
- Radiant Enchantments in your Offences
- Azures or Radiants in your Defences.
- Any Rank of Enchantment Works (The higher the better)
- Don’t know what an Enchantment is or how it works? Click here
- Farm up a “Huntsman Cloak” from the Master of the HuntSkirmish
- Offers an Offense & Utility, +5% XP Gain
- Requires Lvl 60+ to Equip
- Not obtainable for New Players
- Buy a Level 60 Artifact Belt from the Auction House – good stats, and lets you slot another Azure Enchantment in Utility for more XP Gain.
- Not entirely necessary, but they’re fairly cheap and they can help.
- A good Alternative is the Xvim Belt – can be equiped at any level, does not have a Utility Slot though
- Find a guild with an XP Bonus Boon if you can
- Don’t let XP Boons be a deal breaker on Guilds
- It helps, but it’s not necessary
- Level 12+ Invoke as often as possible
- Start Invokes by talking to Aralynn The Pious
- Location shown in Image below
- Invoking grants lots of XP for your character; but there are other benefits. Click here to learn more.
- You can only Invoke at a Campfire unless your VIP Rank exceeds Rank 5 – learn more about VIP here.
- Start Invokes by talking to Aralynn The Pious
- Level 20+ – Complete your Stronghold Quests daily
- They not only give you tons of XP, but they help your Guild grow stronger
- Want to learn more about the Stronghold? Click here
- Level 26+ – Complete the Defeating Dragons weekly quest, obtained from Harper Boward
- It’s quick to complete and will help you out later at Level 70, and should be continued weekly even at Level 70.
- Upon reaching Level 60, begin running Random Queues (Random: Dungeon)
- Random Queues not only grant you daily Astral Diamonds, they also grant massive amounts of Experience – perfect for levelling you from 60-70 quickly.
- If you are not a fan of Dungeon Spamming
- You can Start the Elemental Evil campaign by speaking with either Archdruid Morningdawn or Minsc (I forget who)
- You can start the Dwarven King Quest Arc by speaking with Captain Belgold in Protector’s Enclave
Item Level – How do I increase it?
A commonly asked question in Neverwinter by new players is “How do I gain more Item Level so I can run more content?”. This is actually a great question to ask because most content does require a certain degree of Item Level, particularly Epic Dungeons. There’s actually a very easy, quick way to build up your Item Level. Generally, 9k+ is a great place to start. So let’s get to it!
- Insignias – (C) > Mounts > Stable
- Insignias are basically like Enchantments, they only fit into your Mount, which can be managed from your Stables
- Common Insignias grant 40 Item Level, Rare Insignias grant 50 Item Level, Epic Insignias grant 60 Item Level
- You only need Common Insigniasto begin with, as they are the cheapest and most readily available.
- You must fill all 5 Stable Slots if you want to take full advantage of this.
- This grants at the bare minimum a bonus 500-750 Item Level
- Mount Equip Power – (C) > Mounts > Curent
- Having an Equip Power (Epic & Legendary Mounts) grants an addition 250 Item Level for Epics, and 500 Item Level for Legendaries.
- Companions – (=) or(C) > Companions
- I often recommend investing into a Lillend Companion.But Why?
- It’s Afforable for new and veteran players alike.
- It’s Epic Quality – meaning it grants more Item Level. The higher the quality of the Companion, the higher the Item Level it gives.
- It has x3 Rings – this is key. The League Rings grant 420 Item Level on their own, plus while extremely affordable and unique – grant x2 Enchantment Slots.
- Presuming you equip Rank 7 Enchantments & Runestones and use the League Rings, you would earn 1648 Item Level from having this companion summoned.
- I would also recommend investing into Rare Companions (Blue) – each one grants 50 Item Level, which means having 4 Rare Companions would grant another 200 Item Level.
- I often recommend investing into a Lillend Companion.But Why?
- Gear & Equipment (C)
- Obviously gearing up properly plays a part in all this. My main suggestions go as followed;
- League Gear – Each Piece gives 420 Item Level. Head + Arms + Armor + Feet = 1680 Item Level.
- League Rings – Each Ring has x2 Enchantment Slots and good stats. Each gives 420 Item Level, totals to 840 Item Level.
- Chultan Crafted Weapons – Great Weapons available for a new player, super affordable, also highest Item Level you could ask for from weapons. Item Level varies depending on quality. Rare Quality as shown in the image below grants 450 Item Level, equalling 900 Item Level for both weapons.
- Drowcraft Shirt & Pants – Super affordable, slotted. Together they give 810 Item level.
- Artifacts, Neck & Belt Pieces will vary from class to class. Be sure to check out Class Guides here on
- Presuming you have Rank 7 Enchantments in all 13 Enchantment Slots as seen in the image below. you would gain 416 Item Level.
- This all totals to 4646 Item Level, not including Artifacts/Neck/Belt pieces.
- Based off the image below, I earned an additional 1248 Item Level for the Epic Neck/Belt Pieces and x1 Epic, x3 Rare Artifacts. The new total would be 5894 Item Level from all your gear if you followed the image below exact.
Taking into Account everything listed here (Mounts, Companions & Gear) your total Item Level would be roughly 8700-8800 Item Level, which is enough to get into Epic Dungeons. This does not include a Guild Boon Item Level increase.
Other things that can affect your Item Level directly is boons, specifically Guild Boons. To read more about Boons click here or here.
What are Campaigns? Campaigns aure quest/story-lines you work through, usually on a daily basis until complete. Each campaign works differently – be it the gear it gives (if it gives any at all), the boons or the main one – difficulty levels. There’s too many campaigns to work on completing all at the same time, and often players come to me with “Where do I start?” So I’ll brief it over, in order of importance on where to start because of time efficiency and how beneficial it is to a new player or character – maybe you’ll disagree with it, maybe you won’t. That, I leave up to you. Either way, enjoy!
Starting Campaigns
You’ve probably heard already that Level 70 is where it’s at – it’s where the game begins. No lie, it’s probably true. At Level 70, you unlock campaigns, new areas, have access to Epic gear, can use artifact gear, have unlocked epic dungeons and skirmishes, and a whole list of several things.
Some of the common things I hear from new players though is;
- “There’s too many Campaigns to do, too many Daily Quests! Where do I start, what do I focus on?”
- “I want to run Epic Dungeons for Protector’s Seals for Epic Gear… but my Item Level isn’t high enough! What do I do then?”
- “I’m too weak, I’m too squishy, I die on everything, I can’t solo anything – how do I get stronger”
and once again, the list goes on. There is A LOT to take in once you Level 70. So, I’m going to tell you the key points to success at Level 70. In particular in this section of the guide – Campaigns. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of options in regards to Campaigns when you hit Level 70 – so I’m going to list at least in my opinion, where you should start with Campaigns.
The Auto – Keybind for your Campaign Window is ( ] )
Basically here is a list of what campaigns to start with, in order of where to focus on first to last.
- Please note this is not in Order of technical “Importance” – this is just generally whats going to currently benefit a player NEW to the game.
1) Benign Order of the Third Eye – This is a super easy and in reality unrewarding Campaign that you often start before Level 20, or just around. This should definitely be finished by Level 70, and if it’s not, go speak to Sergeant Knox right away and get this out of the way.
2) Elemental Evil – Since you’re Level 70, I would assume it’s safe to guess that you’ve already either started or completed this Campaign. Elemental Evil is one of the few Campaigns where you can farm and finish it at your own pace; not the pace the game says you have to go with daily quests and whatnot. Elemental Evil should only take a few days to complete, even less depending how many hours you’re putting into it.
3) Sharandar – Sharandar is the very first Campaign to ever be released into the game. It can be started at Level 64 but personally – it’s not so long of a Campaign that I’d recommend starting it before Level 70, solely because the XP the quests give are crap. The foes in the Sharandar areas are below Level 70, often making the process of doing your daily quests much quicker.
4) Dread Ring & Underdark Campaigns – I had to really think about this one because when working on the Dread Ring Campaign, you definitely want to concentrate on completing the Underdark Campaign at the same time. They both in a sense correspond with each other, more-so that Dread Ring helps support your progress through the Underdark Campaign. In the Dread Ring map, one of your daily quests requires you to complete x3 Demonic Encounters, which in the process of completing them grant you Demonic Ichor, Faerzress and a chance at Salvageable Rare (Blue) Rings you can either use, or Salvage for Astral Diamonds.
- The Demonic Ichor goes towards buying Drowcraft Armor which is probably the best Epic Gear to start with in the game.
- The Faerzress goes towards the Underdark Campaign, and will help you obtain the corresponding Boons, and also unlock the Epic Demogorgon skirmish.
- On top of all this – you’re still gaining your Dread Ring Boons. Its a win-win situation.
5) The Maze Engine – You may have already started this Campaign to be honest. This Campaign only consists of 1 Daily Quest – it’s fairly quick, fairly easy. The only catch to this campaign is it takes a good month to complete – but it does reward Boons, and while the Boons may not seem the most beneficial, remember even the smallest of buffs to your character are better than having none.
6) Icewind Dale – This is where things start to get a little more complicated. Icewind Dale, from my experiences with newer players – is actually pretty tough to Solo if you aren’t decently geared yet. Even if you can Solo, your dailies often take much longer. The reason I put this much lower than the other Campaigns, is solely because by the time you finish the Campaigns listed above, you’ll likely be stronger, have better gear and will be more prepared to start towards this Campaign.
7) Tyranny of Dragons – In all honestly, you may have started or been doing this campaign since you were Level 30. It’s probably the toughest Campaign to complete as far as length goes – because this Campaign takes ages to complete. One of the problems I hear from several players is that like Icewind Dale, it’s tough to Solo the daily quests in the Well of the Dragon map, and even the quests from Protector’s Enclave like Mithral Mines or Ghost Stories – are often tough to complete Solo as well. Again, I recommend starting this at a later time for the exact same reasons as Icewind Dale.
8) River District – Before anything else, I really want to stress that if you have a buddy or someone that can help carry you through this Campaign and you don’t have to do it Solo – then start this ASAP, and complete the Daily Quests everyday. River District will grant you some of the better options for Artifact Weapon sets you can ask to get right now. It’s also considered “Endgame” content, which in other words its either going to not be solo friendly, or its going to take you ages to kill stuff. Its the way it is and it sucks, I know.
9) Storm Kings Thunder – I want to stress straight off the bat, Bryn Shander & The Sea of Moving Ice are both maps related to this campaign, and yes, I’ve realized you can unlock both of them immediately. Storm Kings Thunder is likely the hardest Campaign to complete out there – you can obtain the best current Artifact Weapon Set in the Sea of Moving Ice, and in reality they aren’t too bad to “Restore” (it’s complicated) but, in order to rank them up from Common>Rare>Epic>Legendary you need to complete the Svardborg raid for the correct Reagents. In order to run Svardborg you need a minimum Item Level of 9200 – which will take a while. So it’s best to leave this to last and work your way down the line of Campaigns.
10) Jungles of Chult – Currently the most recent update, very much geared towards endgame, and very tough to solo through if you aren’t strongly geared. There really isn’t much to gain from the Campaign itself apart from unlocking the Tomb of the Nine Gods dungeon – which requires 12k Item Level to even enter, so I wouldn’t invest much time into this. The unique side to this campaign though is that there are not daily quests – you do this campaign on a weekly basis – the goal is to max your Weekly Haul by the end of Sunday Night before it resets back to 0. This means you dont have to check in on a weekly basis; you can do this all in 1 day and spend 6 days not worrying bout it at all. If you have a partner / friend to run this with, it’s great. Otherwise though, I wouldn’t stress too much on getting this done!
— PvP Campaign – PvP Campaign is 100% optional and does not offer anything for you to gain PvE wise.
How To Farm Astral Diamonds
Probably legit, hands down – the most asked question and sought out answer. Especially with the release of Module 12b, farming your daily Astral Diamonds isn’t as black and white as it used to be. It’s still fairly simple, but not as convenient as I think players wish it was. Let’s cover some basic AD Farming strategies.
- Random Dungeon Queue (q)
- Basically, you open your Queues page, and you select Public>Random. You can either let the Queue find you a party, or you can pre-make one with friends or guild mates. The downfall to the Random Queue system, is you have no idea what the hell you’re going to be running.
- As well, Epic Dungeon, Epic Trial and Hero’s Accord require at least 11’000 Item Level – extremely inconvenient for newer players.
- I would suggest only running Dungeon and Skirmish – there is no Item Level requirement, and generally everything listed under it is very easy, so there’s next to no risk of you potentially wasting your time on a failed run. The first 3 options are more geared towards Endgame Players.
- Invoking
- You can start invoking at Level 12 by speaking to Aralynn The Piousin Protectors Enclave.
- When you invoke, you can earn an Ardent Coin and x2 Celestial Coins per day if you finish the daily Invoke Cycle.
- As well, you can earn an Astral Diamond bonus (great for Random Queues), Celestial Bags, and XP.
- The main benefit to Invoking, is the Celestial Coins. You can buy Coffer of Celestial Enchantments or Artifacts – both of which have a chance to rewards you with a Coalescent Ward.
- Buying these on Multiple Characters, and stacking them, then opening them in mass – give a pretty good chance at rewarding a Coal Ward or 2. Though they’re Account Bound, you can craft Armor or Weapon Enchantments to sell – or you can keep the Ward if you’re upgrading equipment and enchantments in higher tiers.
- Professions
- There are various ways to make Astral Diamonds with Professions, too much to seriously look into with detail. So I’ll just list a few ideas;
- Making & Selling Refinement Stones (Leadership)
- Masterwork (Very expensive to get into though)
- Crafting & Selling Gemmed Shirts and Pants (Class Dependent)
- Crafting & Selling Chultan Gear/Weapons (All Professions)
- Crafting & Selling Stronghold Decorations (Various Professions)
- Basically, Craft anything you can sell!
- Creating Alt Characters
- The benefit to multiple characters is that you can repeat multiple actions – these actions include Random Queues, Professions and Invoking – just to keep it basic.
- The idea is that if you run lets say, Random:Dungeon on your Main Character, you get 10’000 AD. Then you run it again on 9 other characters – that’s 100’000 AD made just like that, just for an example.
- Invoking works a tad different, in the sense that it increases your likelihood of earning a Coalescent Ward. Instead of earning a Celestial Box on just 1 character, you’re opening multiple copies of the box, increasing your chances at earning a Coalescent Ward drastically.
- Professions are the same idea – if you’re creating a Resonant Bag on your Main, you could be crafting x9 more if you were doing the same on 9 other characters. Do you see what I’m getting at?
Beginning Professions
You’ve probably by now discovered the ‘Professions’ tab at the top of your screen – and if you haven’t, then you should. Professions can attribute to helping you build your character(s) in several different ways. The main ones being gear, refinement and astral diamonds. Now, before any old-time players begin to argue “Leadership doesn’t give Astral Diamonds anymore, get with the times!” – I don’t mean literal flat out straight up Astral Diamonds. I mean you can craft things and then sell them for Astral Diamonds. Either way, as a new player or even a returning player, it can be hard to distinguish and decide which professions are best to rank up, and what the most effective ways are to unlock your profession task slots. So let’s begin!
The shortcut for your Professions window is ( n ).
Step 1 – Unlocking Profession Task Slots
When you create a new character, and open your Professions page, you’ll see 9 Task Slots as shown in the image below. You’ll see in each box a short description on how to unlock each slot, For the most part, the slots are pretty self explanatory and relatively easy to unlock. The last 2 are usually the more difficult ones, but regardless, if you have the right information they can be relatively easy to unlock.
It helps to work towards unlocking the Profession Slots first, as you can have more tasks processing at once, meaning more progress gets done either for 1 specific profession, or maybe multiple professions. Let’s take a look into whats involved in unlocking each slot, and maybe the most effective ways to get it done. Also note – Profession Slots can be unlocked out of order.
- 1st Slot (No Description)
- You unlock initially the first slot and also Professions altogether when you reach Level 10 on your character.
- 2nd Slot – Reach Level 30
- It’s rather straight forward. Continue focusing on levelling your character up unto Level 30 to unlock the next slot.
- 3rd Slot – Reach Level 60
- Same idea as the 2nd Slot, continue focusing on levelling your character, once you reach Level 60, this slot will unlock.
- 4th Slot – Get Any Profession To Level 3
- This is where options start to pop up. It says any profession to level 3, leaving the doors and options wide open for any player. It’s relatively easy to reach Level 3 on a profession – some do prove harder than others though.
- My suggestion for starting professions on the 4th Slot is to start levelling up ‘Leadership’ first – further down in this guide I’ll get more into the specifics on why levelling Leadership is important.
- 5th Slot – Get Any Profession To Level 10
- Whatever you began working on for the 4th Slot, is likely the profession you’ll want to continue with (and hopefully it’s Leadership!). Once that professions ranks up to Level 10, you unlock this slot.
- 6th Slot – Get Any Profession To Level 20
- Same deal as the last 2 slots, should be rather self explanatory by now. Get a single 1 profession levelled up to Level 20 to unlock this slot.
- 7th Slot – Get Any 3 Professions To Level 20
- If you thought getting 1 profession to Level 20 was tough, think again. In order to unlock this particular tab you need now rank 3 different professions up to Level 20. It sounds rough and it totally is time consuming – but it’s worth your while.
- 8th Slot – Complete A Task With At Least A 100% Speed Bonus
- This is usually where players are like, “What does that mean?” And hey, it’s cool, I think I played Neverwinter for a year before figuring it out for myself.
- Crafting Tasks Asset Slots as shown below – the higher level the task, typically the more slots will be available, with a general max of 5.
- You can slot additional Assets to either help increase the quality / quantity of whatever it is you’re crafting, or reduce the time it takes to complete the task.
- In order to unlock this particular slot, you must complete a task with a minimum speed bonus of 100%.
- You can either do this via 2 Epic Persons which grant 50% Speed each, or 4 Rare Persons which grant 25% speed each. Of course, you can always mix and match, for example 1 Epic Person and 2 Rare Persons.
- My Cheat Suggestion For This
- Buy 4 Master Jewelcrafters – they’re approximately 5k Astral Diamonds each which at Level 70, is easy Astral Diamonds to farm.
- Complete the ‘Deep Wilderness Gathering’ task which is a Level 1 task under the Profession “Jewelcrafting” – there’s 4 Asset Slots meaning you can use the Rare-Quality Jewelcrafting Persons to reach the 100% Speed necessary. No need to rank up anything, only costs about 20k Astral Diamonds altogether, and worst case scenario, you can always sell them afterwards!
- 9th Slot – Complete A Task And Earn The Rank 3 Result
- This basically is the same story as the 8th Slot in both the sense that it leaves players utterly confused, and also that it requires the use of Assets!
- As previously explained, Crafting Tasks twill have a max of 5 Asset Slots available to either reduce the time it takes to complete the task, or to increase the quality or quantity of the rewards earned from the task. The higher the Tasks Level requirement is, the more likely it is to have asset slots.
- In order to unlock this particular slot, you must complete a task and earn the Tier 3 Result. Check the image below.
- You’ll notice in this image that now the Assets say “Quality” instead of “Speed”, and also that below there’s a Tier 1, 2 and 3 section. On the right of each Tier, there’s also an icon of Crates with a number in the bottom right corner.
- The Assets increase the ‘Quality / Quantity’ of what you’re crafting. The better the Asset, the better your rewards will likely be. As you can see below, there’s a 25% chance you’ll finish the task with Tier 2 rewards, and a 75% chance you’ll finish the task with Tier 3 rewards. As said previously; in order to unlock this slot, you must finish a task and earn the Tier 3 Result / Reward.
- You’ll notice in this image that now the Assets say “Quality” instead of “Speed”, and also that below there’s a Tier 1, 2 and 3 section. On the right of each Tier, there’s also an icon of Crates with a number in the bottom right corner.
- My Cheat Suggestion For This
- At Rank 4 of every profession except Leadership and Black Ice Shaping, you unlock a Task called ‘Crates of xxxx’. This is the earliest you can and will unlock a task which has Tiers.
- In order to be able to even have a chance at finishing the task with a Tier 3 Result, you need a minimum of 1 Epic Asset, and 3 Rare Assets, totalling to 102% Quality, and 12% Chance as Tier 3.
- Your cheapest profession options are either Leatherworking, Mailsmithing, Artificing, Platesmithing, Tailoring, or Weaponsmithing – lots to choose from, 1 Epic Person will cost around 10k Astral Diamonds, and 1 Rare Person will cost around 3k Astral Diamonds. All 6 professions are extremely easy to Level up to 4.
- Repeat this task as many times as needed – all in all there’s nothing to lose, and those crates can actually be donated to your guild’s coffer for guild marks. It’s a win-win situation.
Step 2 – Deciding What Professions To Level Up First
I think one of the most misunderstood parts of the game is Professions. As far as in-game guidance goes for Professions, there isn’t a lot. Most players don’t really pay attention to their Professions or even realize just how much it can benefit them. Professions as well do take a while to Level up, but are well worth the grind, trust me. Looking into it a bit more here –
- Leadership
- I would HIGHLY suggest working towards Levelling this up first and foremost. A lot of people ask me “Why? What are the benefits to Leadership?”
- Leadership at Max Level gives you Refinement– Resonant Bags and Thaumaturgic Bags are the more popular rewards players seek as far as Refinement goes.
- Even if you have no need or believe you cannot use the Refinement, guess what – you can still sell the Refinement Stones for tons of Astral Diamonds. Keeping these tasks up daily helps a lot.
- Please note this is also likely the hardest professions to Level Up, alongside Alchemy.
- Jewelcrafting
- I would recommend levelling Jewelcrafting after / during Leadership. Some people may argue that this is a waste of time, but I’d beg to differ. There’s 2 perks to levelling up Jewelcrafting.
- First, you can craft Crates of Gems – any guild you join will need Gem donations to help progress their Stronghold. Obviously as a new player, you likely won’t have too much to donate apart from daily Influence – this can help, and your guild leaders will appreciate it.
- Second, at Max Level you can craft Exquisite Adamant Rings of Piercing/Recovery which fetch a nice price on the Auction House meaning yes, you can make Astral Diamonds from them and even use them yourself until you get better rings.
- Tier 1 has no Enchantment slot
- Tier 2 has 1 Enchantment Slot
- Tier 3 has 2 Enchantment Slots, Offense & Defense – but the catch is that they become bound to your character. They are great for starter rings though at Level 70!
- I would recommend levelling Jewelcrafting after / during Leadership. Some people may argue that this is a waste of time, but I’d beg to differ. There’s 2 perks to levelling up Jewelcrafting.
- Artificing, Platesmithing & Weaponsmithing
- I’m not recommending all 3 at once, I want to recommend these based on the class you play.
- Artificing – Scourge Warlock, Devoted Cleric, Control Wizard
- Platesmithing – Oathbound Paladian, Guardian Fighter
- Weaponsmithing – Hunter Ranger, Trickster Rogue, Great Weapon Fighter
- These 3 professions will allow you to craft Elemental Artifact Weapons for specific classes, which are the best weapons you can ask for prior to endgame (with the exception of the Twisted Weapons).
- It is a much cheaper option to craft them yourself, than to try buying them off the Auction House, or to try farming the motes (don’t bother with motes, its a time waster)
- I’m not recommending all 3 at once, I want to recommend these based on the class you play.
- Alchemy
- Alchemy can be a pain. It is the only Profession that does not Level up via Experience Points earned from tasks. The way Alchemy works is youlevel up through Experimentation Tasks. Experimentation Tasks give you a chance to obtain Alchemical Knowledge, and its a random drop, no Tier or Quality % required. Once you have enough of the Alchemical Knowledge, you then do Alchemical Research, which automatically takes you to the next Level, and you continue to do this all way to Max Level.
- Some people argue that its the hardest profession to Level Up, some say its the easiest profession to Level Up.
- Benefits to Alchemy is similar to Jewelcrafting – you can craft and sell. Usually its either potions or dye packs, but if you work on whats called Masterwork you can make Unified Elements which sell for roughly 35k Astral Diamonds per 1, so it’s a decent income. Either way, it’s a fairly decent Profession to work towards, but not one I’d suggest prioritising.
- Tailoring, Platesmithing, Mailsmithing, Leatherworking
- I know I touched base with Platesmithing earlier on, but I want to not only expand on that but also mention these other professions as well. The perk to these professions is you can craft an Epic Gemmed Shirt and Pants for your class. For example, you can click here to view the Trickster Rogue shirt (which is the class I play). Currently these shirts are considered to be the best available shirt/pants in the game.
- Crafting these Shirts and Pants is tons cheaper than trying to buy them from the Auction House.
- The Shirts and Pants can only be crafted via Rare Tasks, which are tasks that change every 1 Hour, meaning they aren’t always available. You have to be patient and wait until it pops up.
- Tailoring – Control Wizard
- Platesmithing – Oathbound Paladin, Guardian Fighter
- Mailsmithing – Greater Weapon Fighter, Devoted Cleric
- Leatherworking – Scourge Warlock, Hunter Ranger, Trickster Rogue
- Screenshot Below of Rare Tasks, highlighted in Blue
- I know I touched base with Platesmithing earlier on, but I want to not only expand on that but also mention these other professions as well. The perk to these professions is you can craft an Epic Gemmed Shirt and Pants for your class. For example, you can click here to view the Trickster Rogue shirt (which is the class I play). Currently these shirts are considered to be the best available shirt/pants in the game.
Of course there are tons more perks to Professions, tons more to learn – these are just the basics I personally think a player new to Neverwinter should know to help make their gaming experience the best it can be! Knowing these things will make the grind to endgame that much easier.
Gearing Up At Level 70
You’ve probably heard already that Level 70 is where it’s at – it’s where the game begins. No lie, it’s probably true. At Level 70, you unlock campaigns, new areas, have access to Epic gear, can use artifact gear, have unlocked epic dungeons and skirmishes, and a whole list of several things.
Some of the common things I hear from new players though is;
- “There’s too many Campaigns to do, too many Daily Quests! Where do I start, what do I focus on?”
- “I want to run Epic Dungeons for Protector’s Seals for Epic Gear… but my Item Level isn’t high enough! What do I do then?”
- “I’m too weak, I’m too squishy, I die on everything, I can’t solo anything – how do I get stronger”
and once again, the list goes on. There is A LOT to take in once you Level 70. So, I’m going to tell you the key points to success at Level 70. In particular in this section of the guide – gear. Mostly starting with players freshly at Level 70 with 0 idea what to do.
A great reference for gear is the Collections Page – The Collections Page basically layouts all the things in Neverwinter you can obtain; so everything from gear, to mounts, to companions, to event-related items.To top it off, it not only lets you view the items, it also usually references where you can find / obtain them from. As said, typically a really good reference to check out in general.
You can check out the Collections Page by using the games auto-keybind (Ctrl + J)
Common Gear Sets
Finding good gear is always tricky – and hey, that’s okay! It might take a little while to get what you’re aiming at, but it’s part of the game, there’s no need to rush. For starters, here’s a few general suggestions if you’re fresh at Level 70;
- Pilgrim Gear (Head / Armor / Arms / Feet)
- Can be purchased via The Tarmalune Trade Bar Shop
- You can get Tarmalune Trade Bars by opening Lockboxes; works best if you have VIP
- The Head piece can actually be bought off the Auction House – usually a great starter investment
- To purchase this set;
- Open your Inventory ( I )
- Go to the “Riches” tab
- Click on the “Spend” button beside “Tarmalune Trade Bars”
- Select “Equipment”
- Select the Class you want to purchase for (Preferably your own!)
- By far your best investment as far as gear goes for a newer player
- Click here to view this set in more detail
- Can be purchased via The Tarmalune Trade Bar Shop
- League Gear (Head / Armor / Arms / Feet)
- Can be purchased either from;
- Auction House (recommended)
- Crafted via Professions
- Port Nyanzaru – Chultan Riches Vendor
- It’s much cheaper to buy off the Auction House and is generally the recommended course of Action
- Click here to view this set in more detail
- Can be purchased either from;
Weapons sadly don’t present too many options. By far, the best options for weapons are any of the Artifact Weapons.
- Chultan Crafted Weapons
- New to the game – came with the release of Module 12
- Can either be bought off the Auction House or crafted via Chultan Recipes (No link for this yet)
- Best stats and highest Item Level available for weapons – weak set bonus though
- Click here to view and learn more about these weapons
- River District’s Relic Weapons
- These will take you a good, solid 1-2 months or so to farm up – possibly less, depending how much time you spend grinding for them. These currently are considered End-game weapons as they’re the 2nd best available in the game right now.
- All in all there’s (again) 4 different types of weapons here; click here to view them all
- Fey Weapons
- Aboleth Weapons
- Mirage Weapons
- Lifeforged Weapons
- As the title suggests – they are bought from the River Districts’ Campaign Store, with Currencies obtained from the River District itself.
Rings, Neck & Belt
Luckily there are actually a lot of options with rings. and a few with Neck & Belt equips. Most of it is also rather easy to obtain for the most part, depending on what you’re aiming to get.
- Underdark Rings
- Underdark Rings come from completing Demonic Encounters, Demogorgon, Throne of the Dwarven Gods or Prophecy of Madness.
- They come in different ranks from +1 to +5 – obviously the higher the number the better the stats / buff is.
- There are many to choose from, For a complete list, click here. Typically the most popular / preferable choices are;
- Ring of Brutality
- Ring of Rising Focus
- Ring of Rising Power
- Ring of Rising Defense
- Ring of Rising Precision
- Ring of Sudden Defence
- Ring of Sudden Precision
- When dropping rings, they drop at random – you cannot freely pick and choose which ones you obtain. You simply farm until you get what you want. Sad truth (I’m still waiting on a +5 myself and I’ve been around for 4 years!)
- League Rings
- These can be purchased from the Auction House, or crafted via Chultan Masterwork Jewelcrafting.
- Are double slotted, decent Item Level and very easy to obtain – great to equip to your companion as well
- Click here to read/learn more about them
- Artifact Equipment – (Neck & Belt)
- Neck and Belt tie hand in hand. The best options for these slots are indeed, Artifact Gear. For the most part, Artifact neck and belt pieces are extremely cheap and extremely affordable from the Auction House, depending on what you want.
- My top suggestion is to check out class guides here on Mmominds to get an idea on what you should invest in.
- A potentially really great place to start with Artifact Gear would be purchasing and investing into the Company Set – it’s 6500 Guild Marks each piece, but well worth the investment for the meantime.
- Company Gear can be bought at The Outfitter
Greed of the Dragonflight – Stronghold Event
Likely, if you’ve joined a guild and an Alliance, you’ve seen people calling out “DF” in Alliance Chat. You may or may not already know, but DF stands for Dragonflight, in other words, the “Greed of the Dragonflight” Stronghold Event which can be activated at a specific time every 2 hours. If you plan or wish to start the event at a different time, you’ll require a Golden Bell.
Basically the goal of Dragonflight is to take down as many Dragons as you can within 10 minutes – the more dragons you kill, the more rewards you get. In total there are 4 dragons you can potentially take down. By participating and completing this Event, you earn Fangs of the Dragonflight which can be used to purchase Dragonflight Gear. There’s also a chance you may earn a Strongbox of vouchers for your Stronghold coffer.
Basic Rules of Dragonflight – There are 2 things you really need to know before tossing yourself into the chaos of a Dragonflight.
- Stay away from the Travelling Wizard NPC – This NPC activates the Event and if you accidentally start it before everyone is ready, you can really mess up the run, which yes, accidents happen, but if you can try to prevent them, well… the better.
- Watch theChat Channels
- Typically most Alliances use Alliance Chat ( /a ) or Queue Chat ( /q ). You’ll need to watch for further commands, as Dragonflight cannot be 100% organized ahead of time, commands are based off how the combat is going.
- A command may look like “RED GO GREEN‘ which means, if you’re at a RED you need to move onto the next dragon.
- Don’t know where to go? Follow the crowd!
Knowing The Dragons
Above, I listed the 2 most basic things you need to know to get through a Dragonflight Run. You can get by your first run based off strictly those 2 rules, but it really helps to know the actual functions and specifics of the Event. Basically first things first; you need to get to know the dragons a little bit.
In the image below, I have listed all 4 dragons, their locations, and their ‘color codes’.
- Katatheo The Proud
- Referred to as the “Red” Dragon
- Nothing terribly specific to know about Katatheo, just watch for Red Circles because this feller spits out fire a little more often than we’d prefer – circles of fire will likely instantly kill you (unless you’re a tank)
- Chrysos The Vain
- Referred to as the “Blue” Dragon
- Chrysos inflicts fatal damage to everyone in the area of a target it kills – including companions, which results in quick consistent massive wipe outs of teams. It’s already hard enough keeping players alive, forget keeping your squishy 25k HP companion alive. So the rule at blue –
- Dismiss your companion, do not use a summoned companion at Blue.
- The only exception is Augment-type companions, but if you aren’t sure your companion is an Augment-type, then just dismiss it.
- Dismiss your companion, do not use a summoned companion at Blue.
- Ekdos The Cruel
- Referred to as the “Black” Dragon
- Ekdos can be very easy, but very difficult if not everyone is on board about how this guy works. Basically, whenever a player dies, Ekdos spawns a Soul Puppet in their place, which goes around damaging and killing other players, spawning even more puppets. Things can turn bad fast but, you can prevent it!
- Never “Revive” someone at Black – if you die, admit Defeat, respawn, and run back. If you see someone calling for help, sorry, but ignore them. The problem with reviving, is they’re very likely to die again, and quick, resulting in 2 Soul Puppets spawned from a single player instead of just 1.
- Soul Puppets tend to target 1 player and follow that 1 player only. It doesn’t matter how HDPS or great at heals, tank, or buffing you are – if a Soul Puppet is following you, lead it away from the Dragon and away from other players. Take one for the team, make the sacrifice. Rejoin the combat when the Soul Puppet disappears.
- Oxuno The Treacherous
- Referred to as the “Green” Dragon
- Oxuno has a bit of a bite to him. The combat area around him is filled with a poisonous smog you cannot block, escape, dodge or avoid. Throughout the entire combat, you will be taking damage over time consistently. The only real tips to help keep players alive is to;
- Have good healers / buffers there focused on keeping everyone alive
- Try to keep players there who have high Lifesteal
- In reality, Green isn’t as all bad as he sounds but without doubt, he’s a total nuisance!
Tricks of the Trade (In other words, Dragonflight)
Here is a detailed run-down of how the actual event is going to work start to finish. Each run is basically the same pattern over and over again, so once you get a few runs done, you start to pick up how the event actually works first-hand.
1. Listen To The Hoster- The Hoster is the person organizing the Dragonflight Run, and will be the person giving you your instructions. Listen to what the Hoster asks of you, don’t complain or try to argue with the Hoster – just be thankful they’re even organizing the run. Odds are, they probably know what they’re doing and if they don’t, let them learn from their mistakes.
2. Wait For The Bell – The Hoster, when ready, will ‘Ring the Bell’ or in other words, begin the Dragonflight Event. At this time, there’s a 1 minute wait time before the Dragons land on the ground to fight us.
3. Killing Dragons – Once the Dragons land, it’s time to kill. Do your best, usually you’ll die a few times, or maybe more than a few times. That’s totally normal. Give it all you got, and try to play your part to the best of your abilities – be it DPS, Heals or Tank.
- Keep In Mind How Each Dragon Works – I cannot stress this enough – each Dragon has its own little quirks, the better you remember, know, and prepare to face the dragon, the more likely you’ll be ready to succeed at the dragon.
- Dragon Empowerers – Throughout Combat you’ll see these guys spawn every now and then, usually in groups of 2 or 3. These guys Buff the Dragon to make it deal more damage – the general rule is only ranged dps players should kill Empowerer’s, as dps is lost when close-combat players have to take the time to run from 1 enemy to another. Some Alliances really don’t care, but some seriously do, so better to play it safe!
- Watch The Chat! – I mentioned this earlier, and I’ll mentioned it again. It is a MUST to watch the chat, and to follow the Hoster’s instructions.
4. Finishing Off Dragons – You will probably notice once the Dragon’s HP is down low, everyone is instructed to move to the next dragon before it actually dies. This is intentional. You have 10 minutes to kill the dragons but – if you kill a dragon, the timer resets to exactly 1 minute remaining. Doesn’t matter if you had 5 minutes or 5 seconds remaining – the timer resets to 1 minute when the first dragon dies, so it’s important to not kill until the Hoster says its time.
5. Ending the DF Event – Upon the death of a dragon or dragons, the timer resets to 1 minute and you must wait for that timer to finish before leaving the map if you want to collect your rewards for partaking in the event.
Video Example of Dragonflight
This isn’t really a Guide, but this is a video of my Alliance, The Starks of Winterfell, running a Dragonflight Event together. This’ll just give you a more visual real-time example of how the run works, as it is a bit difficult to fully explain is just plain text. I’ll add a video recorded by my friend Ekemon, as he explains a little bit as well in his video how a Dragonflight Run is ran. I’ll also add one of my own for a different perspective, but Ekemon’s is likely more informational.
Ekemon’s Dragonflight (BY the People) – Hosted by me!
Here’s one of my own videos of Dragonflight – but this comes from the perspective of both the Hoster and also a Finisher. (The Finisher is the person who kills the Dragon when the Hoster says its time to kill – all other players work towards killing off the other Dragons)
The Functions of Epic Dungeons
Probably by this stage of the game, you’ve learned about the existence of Epic Dungeons. They vary in difficulty, being ranked into either Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 dungeons. As well in order to run them, you require a certain amount of Item Level. In addition to this, Tier 3 Dungeons require being unlocked through a Campaign. Fangbreaker Island is also unique, as it requires 28% Everfrost Resistance, something no other dungeon requires.
Epic Dungeons once completed, have a chest that can be opened with an Epic Dungeon Key – and in some dungeons, there is a 2nd chest that requires a different type of key to open. You can also use a Legendary Dragon Key which opens any type of chest, anywhere anytime. Rewards vary from smaller items, to (in rare cases) mounts and companions. However, you will always receive an Equipment Item that can be salvaged for Astral Diamonds if it’s not of any use for your character.
- Tier 1 – Requires 7500 Item Level for Public Queue, 6500 Item Level for Private Queue
- Kessell’s Retreat
- The Shores of Tuern
- Malabog’s Castle
- Valindra’s Tower
- Lair of Lostmauth
- Tier 2 – Requires 8400 Item Level for Public Queue, 7400 Item Level for Private Queue
- Temple of the Spider (Master)
- Cragmire Crypts (Master)
- Gray Wolf Den (Master)
- Castle Never
- Tier 3 – Requires varying Item Levels, must also be unlocked via Campaigns
- Fangbreaker Island – Requires 11’000 Item Level for Public Queue, 10’000 Item Level for Private Queue
- Requires 28% Everfrost Resistance
- Spellplague Caverns (Master) – Requires 11’000 Item Level for Public Queue, 10’000 Item Level for Private Queue
- Tomb of the Nine Gods – Requires 12’000 Item Level for Public Queue, 11’000 Item Level for Private Queue
- Fangbreaker Island – Requires 11’000 Item Level for Public Queue, 10’000 Item Level for Private Queue
Things You Need To Know About Each Dungeon
Each dungeon has its own little key features and strategies that should be followed if you want to complete the dungeon without much struggle. Easier dungeons don’t have much to them except kill everything you cross paths with – and generally these ones are the Tier 1 dungeons. Getting into Tier 2 and Tier 3 dungeons – things get a bit more complicated.
I was going to list everything you should know about each individual dungeon, but there are plenty of guides and references for each dungeon. New players may not know where to find the right links and such, so instead of just repeating information, I’m just going to add my favourite reference links below that you can follow.
- Tier 1
- Kessell’s Retreat – Just kill stuff, no strategies required
- The Shores of Tuern – Just kill stuff, no strategies required
- Tier 2
- Tier 3
What is the Test Server?
You’ve likely heard of players talking about checking out new not-yet-released game updates on the Test Server, or sometimes called either the Preview Server or the Preview Shard. Basically, Devs created an alternative server where they could pre-release future content for players to test out and explore, and give feedback on so the Devs can make future content as smooth and desirable as possible.
A lot of players log onto the test server and ask common questions like ‘Do I really have to level a new character to 70?” “Do I really have to grind for all the new gear just to test it out?” “How come that guy has a maxed character with good enchantments and mounts and I have nothing?” “Do guilds even exist on the Test Server?” – Well, I’ve got all the answers to the test server. Most of them anyway.
How To Transfer Your Character From The “Live Server” To The “Test Server”
When using the Test Server you can actually use your character from the Live Server (the server you play on) on the Test Server. So, how do you get your character there in the first place?
First things first, you’re going to want to head to Arc Games and request a server transfer. You can click here to get to that page (you’ll likely be required to log in). I do want to note ahead of time that this does not affect anything on the Live Server. When “transferring” your character, you’re actually just making a copy of it, not literally transferring it.
So, once you log in, you’ll be taken to a page much like the one shown in the image below. You’ll want to select your character you wish to Transfer, mine being Enyo – and then also selecting “NeverwinterPreview (Mimic)”. After that, click Copy and your character should be transferred over to the test server within 1-2 minutes.
You may or may not see an option for a server called Owlbear… ignore that. To this day I have 0 idea what the real purpose of the Owlbear Server is.
So now, we’ve transferred our Character, how do we log on to the test server now? Well, it’s basically like logging on normally. You’ll want to open your Cryptic Game Launcher (at least thats what its called on my PC), log in as usual. The difference being, once you log in, you’ll want to click on the button towards the bottom that says “NeverwinterPreview” beside where it says ‘Shard:’. From there it will patch as shown in the image below, and you can hit “Play” once its done just like you would with the Live Server.
Fun Facts:
- You can be logged into the Test Server & Live Server at the same time on the same account!
- You can still view your Friends List and see who’s online on the Live Server!
- You can also chat with your friends online on the Live Server from the Test Server!
- You can make several copies of a single character.
So from there, your game loads and you’re taken to your character selection screen, and you can log on! Pretty easy and straight forward in reality.
Knowing The “Cheats” Of The Test Server
The Test Server holds to many cheats that typically aren’t available on the Live Server. This varies from Devs giving you free Legendary Mounts to DEBUG Vendors offering everything of your wildest dreams.
Debug Vendors – Basically, DEBUG Vendors give you free stuff, to help you progress as quickly and easy as possible through new Mod releases. Below for example is a screenshot of both the Bryn Shander / Storm Kings Thunder Debug Vendor, and also the Stronghold Debug Vendor. You can collect as much as you want for free – seriously, for free. Most Campaign Areas have these, it’s just a matter of looking for them – extremely useful though. Typically they’re located in the “Heart” of the map – usually a campfire / near the travel gate.
Getting Good Gear & Enchantments Trick – I mentioned earlier that you can transfer multiple copies of your Character to the test server. This includes all its gear, enchantments, AD, gold, and more.
If you copy for example, let’s say a character with a stack of x99 Preservation Wards – and you copy it 5 times in a row onto the Test Server. Throw each stack into the shared guild bank, and now you have 5 x99 Stacks of Pres Wards. You had 100, but now you have 500.
This applies to enchantments as well which don’t bind to your character. Using this to stack things like Reagents, Refinement, Enchantments, Enchanted Keys & other worthy things can stack up on the test server, making it easy to max out your character there, find the perfect build that works for you, and even practice running new content you maybe weren’t strong enough to handle before.
While I don’t entirely recommend this – you can also ask any Endgamers you stumble across for free stuff and they will likely give it to you. They can make multiple copies themselves easily, so it doesn’t hurt them at all to hand out free Rank 12 Enchantments to players who don’t have them yet. Personally, I do this all the time in the test server. “Oh, you want to test out a R12 Brutal? Sure thing bro” – I do it on the daily. I’m not saying to nag people or beg for stuff, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
For an example, this is just some of my hoard of things in the Test Server:
Wondrous Bazaar – The Wondrous Bazaar has much to offer for a mere 1 Copper per item. It offers again DEBUF stuff, Transcendent Weapon Enchantments, campaign completions and even Masterwork cheats – so well worth checking this out without doubt!
Finding Devs – Finding a Dev on the game is great. They can answer all your questions, give you tips, insight information, and even free stuff – and when I say free stuff, I mean super awesome free stuff. For example, a couple weeks ago I got a free Legendary Mount from a Dev just because I asked for one jokingly. How sick is that?
Joining A Guild – Thanks to the Stronghold DEBUG Vendor, there’s tons of guilds on the test server that sit at Rank 20 with maxed everything. Just go /zone chat, ask for a guild and you can likely find one with maxed guild boons and everything. You can also go to your Social Tab, Click Find Guilds, and find one there. To create your own Guild however, it’s no different than the Live Server – you still require 5 players in a party to do so. To learn more about that click here.
Final Comments
Pugging / joining random groups on the Test Server is difficult so its best to pre-plan a raid on there with friends from the Live Server beforehand. Apart from that, enjoy, have run, respect everyone, help where you can, and…. yup!
How To Make An MMOMinds Guide
Hello all! Clearly, if you’re reading this text, you likely know what MMOMinds is, and what it’s all about. If you happen to be here, but have 0 clue what purpose this website serves – it’s basically a huge collection of class guides for the game Neverwinter. You can also find general guides to Neverwinter on here – although in all honestly, I don’t know of any apart from this one as of yet.
Some people have this misconception that only pro-players, endgamers, or even “hired” editors are allowed to create guides on this website, but thats not true at all. Anyone can make a guide here on MMOMinds – sadly though, I don’t think people have the resources to figure out or learn how they can do it themselves. So I’m going to make a guide on how MmoMinds works, and how you yourself can make a guide here.
Creating An Account
The first step to anything of course is to create an account. It’s pretty straight forward, give a username, a screen name, email and a password. From there, you sign up, sign in and you’re set to start making your guide.
Creating A ‘New Post’
Towards the very top left of the page, you should see a bar that has;
- Comments
If you haven’t already guessed it, you’re definitely clicking on the “New” button. When you hover over it you’ll see both “Post” and “Media” – you’re clicking on “Post”. From there, it takes you to a new page, which is where the hours of typing and editing begin!
Starting Your New Guide – Knowing Your Toolbar
The key part to knowing how to create a guide is to understand all the functions and tools available in the WordPress Editor – which is what MMOMinds has as its editor program. What’s shown in the image below is what you’re going to see at the top of your editing page – this is basically 90% of the important tools you’ll be using. I’ll pass through each button and roughly explain what it is and what it does.
I’ll pass through each button and roughly explain what it is and what it does.
- The Paragraph button basically changes the size of your text, which is great for adding titles and headings. For example, here’s how each “Heading” looks;
Heading 6
Heading 5
Heading 4
Heading 3
Heading 2
- Paragraph (Default)
- This is as straight forwards as it gets. The B is Bold and the I is Italics
- Let’s also note there’s for some strange reason, no Underline button. If you wish to underline something, use Microsoft Word to do it and then copy and paste it into the editor text box here.
- Both these buttons serve a pretty relative purpose. They’re your Bulleted Lists and Numbered Lists,
- Currently I’m actually using a bulleted list for exactly this.
- Using a numbered list,
- would look like,
- this, down to as
- many numbers
- as one
- could want
- or use.
- This is your ‘Blackquote’ button. I’ll be honest, not 100% sure what it does, but I’ll “Blackquote” something below!
Guilty as sin – Just let me in! (Dan Talevski)
- These are your Alignment buttons – more commonly for placing screenshots and titles/headings. You can align either;
- < – Left
- < – Center – >
- Right – >
- These buttons allow you to attach links to text items. For example, I can type either Neverwinter Wiki or McDonald’s – but if you click on the text there, I totally switched the links (Neverwinter takes you to McDonald’s and vice versa). So you can literally attach a link to any piece of text you type up / wish to.
- A quick way to do this is to type your text first, highlight the text you wish to add a link to – and then click on the ‘Insert Link’ button, and just paste the link in there and hit enter. Use the > Arrow Key to keep typing if it’s not allowing you to type without dragging the Link’s Text out.
- The 2nd button is to remove a link from a piece of text if you’d like to.
- Both these buttons are relatively useless, which is why I’m showing them both at the same time even though they serve completely different functions.
- The first button adds a ‘Read More Tag’ – and maybe I don’t know how to use it, but it seems pretty useless. I added a tag below but who knows what it even does ?
- The 2nd Button is a Proofread Writing function which from my experience doesn’t really help much apart from identifying that you typed “dont” instead of “don’t” but it is available out there for folks who’re OCD about Grammar and Spelling!
- This button basically toggles the 2nd row of buttons that are below it – clicking this will either toggle hiding / showing it.
- This just adds a strike through in text –
I never understood the purpose of this tool in editor programs but hey it exists lol!
- This adds what WordPress calls a “Horizontal Line” – on the editor is looks like a plan black line, but in reality it actually serves as a “spacer” of sorts between lines of text. It sort of seems like this;
- Hello
- I added a line!
- There’s no spaces between these lines though, – just the “Horizontal Line”
- Thisbuttonallowsyoutochangethecolourofyourtext, how coolisthat?!
- You can either make Custom Colours, or chooseany ofthe default colours.
- This allows you to paste text as plain text – meaning no formatting or anything carried from its original state. Let’s see what I last copied… (I’m a bit scared for this lol)
- Not so bad after all!, phew!
- This just clears formatting from text. So for example, this is bold. When I paste it, it looks like this is bold, but when I paste it and then use this button on it, ” this is bold ” now.
- This horseshoe-looking button lets you insert ” šΡĒςÏ∀⌊ ⊂μα⌈α⊄⊥∈⌈š ” – in other words, special characters such as ½♠⊗≈ and whatnot.
- Basically… just indenting. Increase, decrease…. not much to say about it, I personally never use it.
- These are your Undo / Redo buttons. I personally use the shortcuts (Ctrl + Z = Undo, Ctrl + Y = Redo)
Adding A Header To Your New Guide
A way to personalize your guide is to add a unique header – referred to as a “Featured Image” here on Mmominds. You’ll notice many of my guides feature screenshots I’ve taken in Neverwinter. To add these, scroll down the toolbar on the right side of the screen until you see “Featured Image”. You can remove, add, and replace / upload your Header.
Something to add; your Featured Image may not appear right away when you preview. To fix this, scroll down to the bottom and find Featured Image Size. Select the far right option.
Random shout out to Silverle [email protected] because she asked for this lol.
Starting Your New Guide – Adding Tabs
Many people have asked me, “How do you add tabs to your guide?” and while it’s fun to keep secrets, it’s no fun being the person not let in on the secret. I personally love the tabs, it helps keep things organized and not squished all over the place on a single page. I’m sure many people would use this feature if they knew how to use it and that it even existed.
It’s actually pretty simple to add tabs to your guide.
- The first step is to scroll down to your “Shortcode Generator” – it’s literally just below the Editor Text Box.
- From there select “Shortcode – Tabs”
- Choose A Tab Style (I normally use Pills)
- Select the number of tabs you wish to have (1-20)
- Add Tab Titles & Text in each box
- “Send Shortcode to Editor”
- Make any additional edits you wish to add such as Bolds, Bulleted Lists, Font Sizes, Colours, etc.
Publishing Your New Guide
Once you’ve typed everything up, and you feel you’re ready to present your guide to the entire world – you can now look at the publishing options.
- Previewing – On the right side of the page there’s a box titled “Publish” and just underneath it are “Save Draft” and “Preview”. Previewing your work actually allows you to see the finished product and what it will actually look like once published. This lets you clean up / fix any mistakes or errors you notice as far as formatting goes.
- Publish – You’ll notice a green Publish button. This allows you to publish your guide – note first though, that a MmoMinds Admin will first review your guide to make sure it’s appropriate and not spam before approving your guide for publishing. This can take 1-3 days (from my experience) or shorter.
- Categories – Selecting your Categories from your guide is important. Basically just check off anything relative to it – it helps people find your guide in the first place. Note though, if it’s not a class guide – by default, it’s going to be tough to find. Posting it in places like Neverwinter Forums, Reddit & even YouTube can help build its popularity.
I’d like to touch base on editing your guide after publishing it. By Default, you are not allowed to edit your Guide after publishing it. This sounds bogus, but it’s 100% true. To gain permissions to edit, you need to contact an admin first. Personally I went through Facebook Messenger, as you can see below, and asked for permissions there.
From here is when your guide is 100% up to you! You do what you need to do, whatever feels right – and keep strong! & Hey, if you make a guide thanks to this guide… let me know, give me a shout! I was actually thinking this guide might be useless but – you never ever know!
Understanding Other Classes & What They Do
I saw someone asking this on Reddit the other day and I thought, hey, why not add a guide / information tab for that. I find it always helps both in PvE and PvP to understand the basic functions and purposes of other classes, and especially for new players if you haven’t worked on building alts, its a bit tricky to understand what each class does or specializes in.
So hopping straight into it, it generally works like this;
DPS Classes
Great Weapon Fighter (Current ‘Meta’ DPS Class)
Control Wizard
Trickster Rogue
Scourge Warlock
Hunter Ranger
Tank Classes
Guardian Fighter
Oathbound Paladin (Can also play Healer)
Healer Classes
Devoted Clerics
Oathbound Paladins (Can also play Tank)
Control Wizard
- Basically the ‘Mage’ type class of the game
- By far a DPS Class, but you can also spec as more of a ‘buffer’ than a ‘damager’
- They can and will be squishy at the beginning, but will of course gain better defensive skills & stats as you advance through the game
- Relatively solo friendly – as said earlier, they can be a bit squishy, but it’s not impossible to level up solo
Devoted Cleric
- Devoted Clerics are a Healer-type class. Your job is to keep everyone alive, no pressure!
- Very powerful at healing and buffing allies, but the damage is potentially low unless built specifically for damage-output
- Beneficial point; With the recent release of Loadouts a player can now switch between builds within seconds – making the Devoted Cleric much more versatile
- Very slow to level up as the Damage Dealt is low, and can actually be squishy as well. However, party’s always need healers, so down the road its a very rewarding class to play.
- None the less still solo friendly – just a little slow
Great Weapon Fighter
- Great Weapon Fighter’s are indeed the current ‘Meta’ DPS Class in the game. They deal massive damage effortlessly, easily destroying everything in their path
- A Great Weapon Fighter’s “Unstoppable” also enables them to be nearly impossible to kill / immobilize
- Very fast to level up as they naturally destroy everything in their path
- Great Weapon Fighter’s do not have a dodge – instead, they have a sprint which is sometimes ineffective in avoiding enemy blows/hits.
- Easy to level up solo – they’re a hardy class, with high damage output and high defences
Guardian Fighter
- A very Tank-type class, though several players play the Guardian Fighter with a DPS Spec, making it a versatile choice
- Guardian Fighter’s are very solid and as many players say, “they tank with their face” they’re so solid!
- Similar benefit to the Devoted Cleric, party’s will always need a tank – making it another very rewarding class choice down the road.
- Yet another class without a dodge, though they do carry around massive shields which are used to protect them from massive blows / hits.
- It can be nearly guaranteed you will not die questing & levelling up. You will however be relatively slow at killing foes, but not painfully slow like the Devoted Cleric.
- Extremely solo friendly
Hunter Ranger
- The Hunter Ranger, another DPS Class known for its unique ability to swiftly switch between Melee and Ranged stances in combat
- Hunter Ranger’s focus around Bows & Daggers for their weapons and are currently the only class which uses a Bow
- Hunter Ranger’s also play on rooting / immobilising their foes frequently through combat, unabling foes to move / deal damage
- Very quick & easy to level as the Hunter Ranger has several AoE (Area of Effect) encounters and a single powerful at-will power that also does AoE damage.
- Solo friendly, generally solid enough to handle solo content
Oathbound Paladin
- Most commonly played as a Tank-type class, though very versatile and can be played either as a Healer, Buffer or even a DPS class
- Oathbound Paladin’s are well known for their versatility in potential and effective builds. They can basically excel in any desired role in combat as effectively as any other class-type if built correctly.
- Alongside the Guardian Fighter, this class also uses a shield and commonly a Mace as its weapon.
- Near impossible to take down since very early levels and continues on into endgame
- Probably the easiest, quickest and most efficient class to level up as far as speed and power goes.
Scourge Warlock
- One of four DPS-type classes. In a sense you can think of this class as a ‘summoner’ type class, though not quite.
- Two main features of a Scourge Warlock are its high lifesteal ratings which lead to incredible self-healing ability, and also its unique ability to summon a ‘Soul Puppet’ to fight alongside the Scourge Warlock
- Great in both ranged and melee stances in combat
- Scourge Warlock’s are also relatively versatile in they’re gaming style as they can heal their party nearly as effectively as a Devoted Cleric – but this build is rarely used and uncommon as Scourge Warlock’s thrive as a DPS class.
- While levelling, from my experience anyway, they are potentially the squishiest class in the Level 45-70 stages, They can be crushed quite easily.
- Levelling is possible solo, but you may want to bring a friend along. I stopped levelling my own Scourge Warlock merely because I couldn’t solo the quests – and I’ve never had that issue with any other class before.
- None the less, they are indeed a very fun class to play with very vibrant beautiful visuals with their powers
Trickster Rogue
- Trickster Rogue is a DPS-type class, also namely an ‘Assassin-Type’ Class
- Known for its unique feature to enter Stealth (go invisible completely)
- Trickster Rogue’s out of any class pull the least aggro, generally allowing them to ignore enemies completely in group-raids
- They fight with daggers, and dodge roll to avoid taking damage.
- Generally follow a ‘cookie cutter’ build, as they are far from being versatile as far as effective skills / play-styles go.
- Squishy in combat, but remember to dodge attacks and they’re easy to level up and progress with
- Trickster Rogues are entirely solo friendly, though they do lack decent Powers within the first 35-40 Levels
Quick List of Upcoming / Planned Guides
I will be adding to this guide over time. It’s actually a lot to write and put together but I don’t think there’s enough of these kinds of guides out there (not in written form anyway). I get people asking me these kinds of questions all the time – so I just wanted to get this up and out there. Here’s a few I’ll be working on over the next few weeks;
- What’s Worth Purchasing From The Zen Market?
- The Breakdown of VIP, What It Is, How It Works
- Finding A Guild & Alliance To Join
- How To Host A Dragonflight
- How To View Upcoming Events
If you have requests, leave ’em in the comments below and I will get to work on them with time! (These aren’t in order of publish, just rough notes). Thanks for checking it out!
We all started somewhere. We were all noobs once, and odds are someone helped you get where you are now. Do the same for others, okay?
Defendi’s Mod 16 Starter Paladin Builds
Enyo’s Guide For Rogues (Mod 16)
Shado’s Control Wizard Mod 15 PvE Guide
(Under Maintenance) V3.0 LT Smith Neko’s Barbie Guide
[Mod 14] PC Baneadin Guide by Draco
A Guide to Wizardry – Mod 14 CW Guide
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@Copyright : neverwintertemplars@Copyright: updated document for Ishtart
Oathbound Paladin Guide
@Copyright @greyjay, @slappdaniel and @Its Viraaal
Credits to @thefabricant for proof-reading
This Guide explains how to be most efficient in group-content in mod 11b.
Modified for Ishtart for mod12 in August 2017.
Being most efficient as a paladin means to maximize your buff-potential and your damage-output at the same time.
This guide concerns Oathbound Paladin – Oath of Devotion. The part of Oath of Devotion will be added to Addendum et the end of the document and will use the build from Jade Quinn used on Ishtart with Heal loadout.
- General notes on paladin-specific mechanics:
The following notes apply to the protection paragon only:
Oath of Protection (HP = Power):
You gain up to 10% of your maximum hitpoints in power when taking damage, this caps at 10% damage taken and the effect lasts 15 seconds.
– Power gained via this mechanic counts as base-power.
– Also increases your damage-resistance by 10%.
Divine Call (Tab):
You perform a mass-taunt along with receiving a buff of 10% damage-resistance for 10 seconds. In addition you reflect 5% of incoming damage back to the attacker, caps at 5% of your HP.
Sanctuary (Shift):
You gain immunity to control-effects and your damage-resistance is increased by 80%. You also perform a small Heal over time while shifting and increase your allies damage resistance by 20%.
How to mitigate damage (if necessary)
Damage resistance cap:
The damage-resistance-cap is at 80%. Most enemies have 15% resistance ignored on top, that means you need to reach 95%. This, however, is pretty easy to reach as paladin:
– +10% passive
– +10% tab
– +25% Circle of Power
(- +50% Absolution, not recommended)
→ +45% from self buffs, so you only have to reach 50% damage resistance, you can either push your stats via bonding pet or rely on cleric-buffs to obtain the 50%. Stacking defense in the defense-slots of the character is not an option because you want HP to gain more power in combat.
Building temporary Hit-points (if necessary):
The encounter-power Templar’s Wrath generates temporary hit points equal to 300% of your damage dealt, it is an aoe-power with a target-cap of 5.
It can crit and nearby allies count as targets as long as you don’t hit 5 enemies. With that being said, in order to generate high amounts of temporary hit-points, you need to hit hard.
- Race and Ability Score
Dragonborn (Metallic):
Dragonborn Fury: Your Power and Critical strike are increased by 3%.
The Power bonus applies to your base Power, that includes the HP->Power mechanic.
Draconic Heritage: You receive 5% more healing from all spells and abilities.
Metallic Ancestry: You receive 3% more healing from all spells and abilities. Your Hit Points are increased by 3%.
Best for maximum Power share.
Bloodhunt: You deal an additional 5% damage to targets below half health.
Infernal Wrath: Whenever you are hit, you have a 10% chance to lower the Power of the attacker by 5% for 5 seconds.
Best for personal dps.
Versatile Defense: Increase your Defense by 3%.
Heroic Effort: You gain an additional Heroic Feat point at levels 10, 15, and 20. These three extra feat points cannot be used on the paragon feat table.
Good substitute due to the extra heroic feats for more HP, good if you do not have dragonborn.
Darkfire: You have 5% chance when attacking a foe to apply Darkfire for 4 seconds, reducing its Defense by 10%. This debuff does stack.
Trance: You recover at campfires twice as quickly.
The debuff is only 5%, not the best race however worth mentioning.
Ability Score:
If you choose Dragonborn or Tiefling put +2 into Constitution and +2 into Charisma.
When you can allocate your ability scores you should put all points into Constitution and Charisma. If you want extra crit you can allocate your points into Wisdom over Constitution
however this is not advised.
3. Most important feats
Vengeful judge:
Your encounter powers have a chance to immediately grant a stack of divine call
it adds the following effects to your tab:
+35% outgoing dmg for 10 sec reducing the recharge-time of your encounter powers by 35%
Aura Gifts:
Grants 25% of your base-power to allies within 30′, this includes companions.
This is the reason why you will want to stack as much Power and HP on your character as you can.
Force of Will:
Each point of charisma (above 10) will increase your critical strike chance by 1%. This is your main source for critical strike.
This feat gives you 9.89% more HP, this results in more power via Oath of Protection, so more power share via Aura Gifts.
Divine Action:
Every time you use Divine Call you gain 5% of you Action Points, this is effected by your AP gain, this is a very strong source of AP generation.
Each point of constitution gives you 1.5% (2.5% as human) additional HP. Once again, more HP, same reason as Toughness.
Feat Suggestion
If you are human put the 3 extra points into Steadfast.
Another Option is Prism, you can remove 3 feats from Purifying Fire and add them into Prism for the extra healing, as you should be able to use your daily every 12 seconds.
- Without Prism
- Within Prism (option chosen for Ishtart)
- Most important powers
Shielding Strike:
Best At-Will for dps. The last hit of the combo applies a shield that absorbs damage, stacks 3 times, lasts 8 seconds.
This will be the Mainhand feature for your Artifact Weapon as this At-will is used 99% of the time.
Radiant Strike:
Low dps and slow animation, however applies a +5% damage buff to you and gives you 5% Resistance Ignored that lasts 15 seconds, refreshes on every cast.
– Good for closing the gap or Initiating combat.
Class features
Aura of Courage:
Applies to you and allies in range. Adds an additional hit for radiant damage proportional to 1% of the user’s HP for allies (a common misconception is that the HP is based from only the OPs HP, however it’s based on the person who has the buff). This scales with buffs and debuffs and cannot crit, but does benefit from combat advantage. Ranking this aura up will only increase your personal damage and not the damage for allies.
Aura of Wisdom:
Applies to you and allies in range. Adds +25% Recharge speed.
This will be the Offhand Feature for your Artifact Weapon. It’s not amazing but it’s the best of the 2 options.
Divine Judgement:
One of your main sources for dps, this daily should be used 99% of the time, the damage is single target however it has a small aoe splash.
Works with Sacred Weapon.
Lay on Hands:
Heals your target to full HP and removes a DoT. The AP used is proportional to the percentage of health missing when used.
Useful on Hati to remove the poison, or to proc the survivors wraps when someone is very close to max HP.
Shield of Faith:
Causes all affected allies take 30% less damage and heal for 30% more.
Duration: 12 seconds
Good for initiating combat when bondings are not procd, also useful for mSP for providing extra mitigation.
Divine Protector:
Redirects 60% of the damage taken by allies to you, and any damage you take is reduced by 60%.
Duration: 6 seconds
Encounter Powers
Neverwinter Mod 12 Weapons 2
Paladins have a lot of encounter powers that are useful depending on the situation.
Deals huge damage, and reduces the target’s outgoing damage by 15%.
This skill deals a lot of damage and should always be slotted when fighting against bosses.
Sacred Weapon:
Applies a buff to yourself that adds bonus radiant damage to your next 3 single target attacks.
This skill stacks, and re-applying a stack does not refresh the duration.
Duration: 8 Seconds.
This skill is very effective when being heavily buffed, some players may not like this skill, however it does take some time to understand how to use it.
Circle of Power:
Buffs your outgoing damage by 30%.
Buffs you and your allies damage-resistance by 25%.
Duration: 16 Seconds
30% damage buff against targets, must use on bosses.
Places a soft mark onto the target, making the target deal 10% less damage and take 10% more damage, stacking 3 times.
Duration: 16 Seconds
30% debuff, would only recommend using when running with 1 DC, and you do not reach the debuff cap. Also this skill can be used as a buff when playing a Devotion Paladin, where Bane turns into a 10% damage buff to a ally, stacking 3 times.
Vow of Enmity:
Another soft mark, causes allies who attack the target build threat for the Paladin, also applies a debuff to the target, making the Paladin deal 50% more damage to the target.
Duration: 10 Seconds
This skill can be used to help with tanking mobs / bosses, also if you are trying to do solo content, this will give you a significant damage boost.
Burning Light:
Deals low aoe damage, fully charging this skill will deal 9 hits over 4 seconds, each hit proccing Aura of Courage. This skill also stuns targets and has a target cap of 5.
Duration: 4 Seconds
Very useful for killing lots of mobs with low health.
Relentless Avenger:
Deals decent damage, generates bonus AP for each target hit beyond the first one, alongside knocking them away and generating threat. If you are devotion, hitting allies counts for AP generation.
Has an annoying knockback, would only recommend against Control Immune targets, very powerful in FBI.
Templar’s Wrath:
Deals decent damage, generating temporary hit points equal to 300% of your damage dealt. It is an aoe-power with a target-cap of 5.
It can crit and nearby allies count as targets as long as you don’t hit 5 enemies.
This is the main skill when it comes down to tanking, have seen over 5 million temporary HP from using this skill.
Applies a shield equal to 50% of the target’s maximum hp, increases the damage resistance of the target by 50% for the duration of the shield.
The shield does not fade away after you leave combat.
- Boons
- Dark Fey Hunter: You gain 400 Power.
- Fey Precision: You gain 400 Critical Strike.
- Both are good. If you have enough Action Point Generation go for 1600 HP.
Feywilds Fortitude: Your Max HP is increased by 1600. Chosen for Ishtart.
Elven Haste: You now gain Action Point 3% faster.
- Elven Ferocity: When striking a foe you have a chance to deal up to 20000 Arcane damage.
- Elvish Fury: When you kill a foe you gain 135 Power for 45 seconds. This buff stacks up to 30 times.
Dread Ring:
- Reliquary Keeper’s Strength: You gain 250 Power and 250 Movement.
- Evoker’s Thirst: You gain 400 Lifesteal.
- Depending on Gear. After reaching ~60% Armor Penetration you take 3% Deflection.
Illusion Shimmer: You gain 3% Deflection Chance. Chosen for Ishtart.
Forbidden Piercing: You gain 3% Resistance Ignored.
- Shadowtouch: When dealing damage you have a chance to deal 20000 Necrotic damage over a few seconds. After this effect ends the target receives 25% less healing from spells for 10 seconds.
- Rampaging Madness: When you deal damage you gain a stack of “Madness”. When you reach 50 stacks of “Madness” you gain 4000 Power, 4000 Life Steal, and 4000 Regeneration. 10 seconds after gaining this bonus your stacks are reset. You may only gain one stack of “Madness” per second.
Icewind Dale:
- Encroaching Tactics: You gain 400 Combat Advantage Bonus.
- Appreciation of Warmth: You gain 400 Incoming Healing Bonus.
Refreshing Chill: You gain 400 Stamina Gain. Chosen for Ishtart.
- Both are pretty good choices but 2% Crit Severity is a bit better:
Rapid Thaw: You gain 400 Recovery.
Sleet Skills: You gain 2% Crit Severity. Chosen for Ishtart.
- Even if you almost never will run out of Stamina the other option is just bad.
Cool Resolve: You gain up to 2000 Power based on how much Stamina or Guard you are missing.
- Winter’s Bounty: Chance to gain bonus 10% Action Points when killing a target.
Tyranny of Dragons:
- Dragon’s Claws: Grants 400 Power.
Dragonheart : Grants 400 Hit Points. Chosen for Ishtart.
- Dragon’s Gaze: Grants 400 Critical Strike.
- Depending on Gear. If you have enough Armor Penetration go for Defense. The Defense also helps if you use the Assassin’s Covenant Insignia Bonus.
Dragon’s Defense: Grants 400 Defense. Chosen for Ishtart.
Draconic Armorbreaker: Grants 400 Armor Penetration.
- Dragon’s Greed: Grants 400 Lifesteal
- Dragon’s Fury: Grants 5/6.5/8% increased Critical Severity.
- Primordial Might: You gain 400 Power and 1600 Maximum Hit Points.
- Primordial Focus: You gain 400 Critical Strike and 1600 Maximum Hit Points.
- Drow Ambush Tactics: Combat Advantage damage bonus is increased by 10%.
- Dwarven Footing: Control Effects will now have a 5% shorter duration when applied to you.
- Abyssal Strikes: Gain +10% Damage versus Demons.
Maze Engine:
- Abyssal Regeneration: You gain 400 Incoming Healing Bonus.
Abyssal Syphoning: You gain 5% Life Steal Severity. Chosen for Ishtart for Prism purpose.
- Demonic Influence: You gain 400 Combat Advantage Bonus.
- Demonic Swiftness: You now gain action points 3% faster.
- Baphomet’s Might: When striking a foe you have a chance to gain 2000 Critical Strike bonus for 6 seconds.
Elemental Evil:
- Wave of Force: You gain 300 Power and 2000 Maximum HP.
- Earth’s Renewal: You gain 400 Regeneration and 2000 Maximum HP.
Heart of Stone: You gain 4% Life Steal Severity and 2000 Maximum HP. Chosen for Ishtart for Prism purpose.
- Searing Aggression: You gain 400 Critical Strike and 2000 Maximum HP.
- Both are pretty unreliable. If you are already have 100% crit, go for Wall of Wind.
Gale of Retribution: When taking damage you have a chance to heal up to 24000 HP over a few seconds. After this effect ends your Critical Strike is increased by 1000 for 10 seconds.
Wall of Wind: When taking damage you have a chance to heal up to 24000 HP over a few seconds. After this effect ends your Recovery is increased by 1000 for 10 seconds.
Storm King’s Thunder:
- Frosty Demeanor: You gain 2% Control Resistance and 1000 Maximum HP.
Cold Hearted: You gain 2% Life Steal and 1000 Maximum HP. Chosen for Ishtart for Prism purpose.
- Survival Instincts: You gain 400 Incoming Healing and 2% Everfrost Damage Resistance.
- Icy Wrath: Chance when taking damage to gain up to 2000 bonus damage on next attack.
- Glacial Strength: Your Max HP is increased by 3200 and 2% Everfrost resistance.
- Chill of Winter: When striking a foe, you have chance to gain a stack of Icy Chill. At 50 stacks your next attacks clears all stacks and releases a burst that deals up to 10000/12500/15000 damage to targets close to you. Damage Over Time effects will not trigger this ability.
The Cloaked Ascendency:
- Aura of Hope: When you kill an enemy, you have a chance to emit an aura of hope that boosts AP gain for all allies within 25 feet for 10 seconds
- Fiery Frenzy: You gain 2% critical strike severity and 1000 maximum hit points
- Soothing Zephry: You gain 500 recovery and 2000 maximum hit points
Fey Briars: You gain 500 Life Steal and 2000 maximum hit points. Chosen for Ishtart for Prism purpose.
- Abberant Power: When damaged by a foe, chance to gain a stack of Aberrant Power. At 10 stacks, taking damage will clear the stacks and deal up to 10000 damage to nearby targets. Aberrant creatures take double damage. Damage over time effects will not trigger this ability.
Stronghold Boons:
- Offensive: Power
- Defensive: Hit Points (If not available Defense / Lifesteal if you have Prism feated)
- Utility: Up to you but normally Mount Movement Speed
- Enchantments
Offense enchantments:
Radiant on your Character for more Power that will be shared via Aura Gifts.
Azure / Brutal / Black Ice on your pet to reach 100% crit.
If you are BiS and use potions and reach 100% crit, you can also use Black Ice enchantments for the increased recovery.
Defense enchantments:
Radiant on your Character for more HP → Power.
If you do not have double offence gear on your pet either Azures to get closer to the damage-resistance-cap or if using Prism, you can use Darks for the increased Lifesteal.
Weapon enchantments:
Both, Vorpal and Feytouched, provide a similar damage bonus, pick the one you like more. Fey needs to be Transcendent to reach a good uptime.
The revamped enchantments that hit for X% weapon damage, like Holy Avenger don’t work well on OPs..
Combat Advantage Bonus | CritSev | Vorpal no AoC | Vorpal 20% AoC | Combat Advantage | |
No Pots | 44,00% | 85,50% | 21,79% | 17,43% | Yes |
No Pots | 44,00% | 85,50% | 26,95% | 21,56% | No |
Pots | 46,20% | 98,00% | 20,48% | 16,38% | Yes |
Pots | 46,20% | 98,00% | 25,25% | 20,20% | No |
Pots + Erin | 46,20% | 108,00% | 19,67% | 15,74% | Yes |
Pots + Erin | 46,20% | 108,00% | 24,04% | 19,23% | No |
Combat Advantage Bonus | CritSev | Fey 100% up | Fey 80% up | Combat Advantage | |
No Pots | 44,00% | 85,50% | 21,54% | 17,23% | Yes |
No Pots | 44,00% | 85,50% | 21,54% | 17,23% | No |
Pots | 46,20% | 98,00% | 21,54% | 17,23% | Yes |
Pots | 46,20% | 98,00% | 21,54% | 17,23% | No |
Pots + Erin | 46,20% | 108,00% | 21,54% | 17,23% | Yes |
Pots + Erin | 46,20% | 108,00% | 21,54% | 17,23% | No |
(In the Fey-calculations the weapon damage-proc was included as 3%)
If vorp is better than fey, the cell is highlighted green, if Fey is better than vorp, it is highlighted red.
Armor enchantments:
Personal preference however you can pick from Soulforged (Lesser is fine), Negation (Transcendent gives a little bit of recovery and a lot of damage-resistance) or anything you like the look of.
Armor Reinforcements:
Power on Armor and Action Point gain on Neck, Belt and Rings.
- Equipment and Companions
3 Pieces of Relic-gear to acquire the +10% dmg bonus in FBI and mSVA.
+ Jarl’s Gaze for more power or:
+ Survivor’s Wraps to trigger the Oath of Protection mechanic before a Boss-fight (only recommended if your team kills so fast that the bosses don’t have a chance to touch you)
You can achieve 100% crit chance without using potions while using Ward Armet and Ward Cuirass, to maintain maximum power share on character, however this requires a bis character.
While trying to get BiS gear, you should use whatever gives you most power.
Recommended are:
- Picaroon’s Tricorne – found in Cragmire Crypt (Master).
- Deepknight’s Brigandine – found in Throne of the Dwarven Gods.
Or Pilgrim WardCharayneh – found at Trad Bar Merchant if needed for Trash mobs purpose (gain 100 Defense for each enemy engaged…).
- Pilgrim Restoration Tahadus – found at Trade Bar Merchant.
- Gladiator’s Feted Greaves – found at Mysterious Merchant in stronghold.
or adding the Dusk gear for the 2 set bonus if you cannot find these pieces.
2 legendary Dod > 2 legendary Hellig > 2 legendary Rings with 2 offense slots > 2 epic Dod.
Stronghold-set > Relic-set > Fey-set.
Main Slotted:
- Wheel of Elements
- DC Sigil
Secondary Artifacts should be ones with HP and Power:
- Siege Master’s War Horn
- Vanguard’s Banner
- OP Sigil
- Eye of the Giant
- GWF Sigil
- Shard of Orcus’ Wand (for the set)
Summoned Companion:
Sellsword with Bondings and a combination of Loyal Avenger/ IG-gear
Active Companions:
- Earth Archon
- Air Archon
- Siege-master
- Erinyes of Belial ( If using a Feytouched ) OR Fire Archon ( If using a Vorpal )
- or Energon ( for lower geared chars or those who aim for max HP)
- Mounts, Mount Powers and Insignias
Arcane Whirlwind: 4k Power.
Best for maximum Power share.
Coastal Flail Snail /(Legacy): Using a Daily Power grants 25% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds.
Good to use dailies more frequently.
Swift Golden Lion for Combat Power: Summon your Celestial Lion to knock back nearby foes and grant nearby party members a Shield for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, affected party members gain up to 3 stacks of Radiant Weapon based on the amount shield remaining.
The damage buff from this will outweigh the additional stats from the Tensers Transformation
- Protector’s Camaraderie: Whenever your summoned Companion attacks, you gain 3% of your Power and Defense for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times.
- Artificer’s Persuasion: Whenever you use an Artifact power, your Recovery, Movement, Action Point Gain, and Stamina Gain are increased by 10% of your Power for 15 seconds.
- Shepherd’s Devotion: Whenever you use a Daily power, your teammates Defense, Deflection, and Movement are increased by 5% of your Power for 10 seconds.
- Gladiator’s Guile: When your Stamina is above 75%, you move 15% faster. When your Stamina is below 25%, gain 15% of your Power as Stamina Gain.
- Cavalry’s Warning (if you have a legendary mount): Whenever you activate a Mount Combat Power, you gain an increase of 10% to your Power, Recovery, Armor Penetration, Critical Strike, Defense, Deflection, Regeneration, and Life Steal.
- Assassin’s Covenant: You lose 10% of your Defense, Deflection, and Life Steal, and gain the combination of lost stats as Power. This power counts as base power. Best for maximum Power share.
- Protector’s Friendship: Whenever your summoned Companion attacks, you gain 1% of your Power and Defense for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times.
Most Insignia should be Dominance (Power) or Prosperity (HP). If needed either Aggression (Arm Pen) or Skill (Crit) can be used however will will take away from Power share.
- Rotations
Circle of Power (CoP), Smite, Sacred Weapon (SW).
Make sure you always benefit from the tab-buff and Circle of Power is up.
For Ishtart the best Boss-Fight rotation is:
- Templar’s Wrath (TW), Smite, Vow of Enmity (VoE)
For timed nuke-scenarios where you melt a boss in 5-10sec the following rotation is recommended:
CoP (Circle of Power), RS (Radiant Strike), SW (Sacred Weapon), tab, tab, SW (Sacred Weapon), Smite, DJ (Divine Judgment), SS (Shielding Strike).
This rotation is very efficient in fast paced boss fights and less efficient in longer fights where you don’t generate enough Divine Call to do that every 3 attacks.
On Drufi in FBI, not bad rotation: Templar’s Wrath, Vow of Enmity, Smite.
On Turtle in FBI, not bad rotation: Templar’s Wrath, Vow of Enmity, Absolution.
In mSVA (Jade’s rotation): Templar’s Wrath, Binding Oath, Bane with DP shield (Divine Protector) (if handle damage) or SoF shield (Shield of Faith) and Courage and Wisdom class features.
- Templar’s Wrath (TW), Smite, Burning Light (BL):
- This is the most versatile loadout to use at trash, Templar’s Wrath should almost always be slotted.
- Templar’s Wrath (TW), Smite, Relentless Avenger (RA):
- Works well at the Up-Climb in FBI.
- Templar’s Wrath, CoP, Relentless Avenger/ Smite/ Burning Light
- Works well at the Up-Climb in FBI.
It’s worth to mention that a Devo-loadout for boss-fights can’t hurt. for Devo-OPs bane can be used as single-target buff on an ally. If you run a Buff-group, built around 1 dps, then this can work. However, choosing Devo will be at an expense of a lot of dps because you lose Shielding Strike and Sacred Weapon. Sacred Weapon is hard to use as Devo, because your heals eat up the stacks. As Devo OP you also lose the mechanic that translates HP into power, resulting in a weaker power-sharing. On top of all that: Bless has a fairly long animation and applying the 3 stacks will drain a lot of time where you could be dealing damage.
That being said, as a rule of thumb you can choose devo-op over protection if you A can keep up bane on the correct target and B this target deals at least 3-4 times your dmg.
A convenient Devo-OP-build that relies on multi-procing Healing Warmth and Burning Guidance will never be as effective in a buffed environment as Prot-OP. That’s simply because these 2 procs don’t scale with buffs and sacred weapons is hard to utilize efficiently as Devo-OP.
Also something else worth noting, however not always practical. When going into a public queue with a Tank and Healer you can make a loadout which is not either Oath of Protection or Oath of Devotion and you can queue as a Dps.
This is how a paladin build after this guide will look like at BiS-level:
Before Bondings: (With Legendary Pet Bonus)
Before Bondings: (Without Legendary Pet Bonus)
After Bondings:
Here is a video showcasing this build at a BIS level. Facetanking Call of Winter. Last 5 minutes of solo FBI.