Wow Show Numbers On Health Bar

  1. Wow Show Numbers On Health Bar Reviews
  2. Wow Enemy Health Bar Addon
  3. Wow Show Numbers On Health Bar Chart

Forums Interface and Macros Health bar numbers. The World of Warcraft community forums have moved! Now with the options changes in 7.0, how does one show the numbers in your Health / Mana bar automaticly now? Can't seem to find the optioned mentioned anymore.

  1. Jul 22, 2016  The World of Warcraft community forums have moved! Numbers on Health bar gone? General Discussion. Before my status text would just show for me and my target but it was blank on my party before, until i put my cursor over their health or mana. I can't see their health bars at all now cause the text is too big for the tiny party bars, but.
  2. Blizzard changed the interface menu since last time I did this and I can't find it.

Wow Show Numbers On Health Bar Reviews


Healium is a World of Warcraft addon who's main goal is to simplify healing of party or raid members.

Healium provides a customizable and intuitive interface optimized to make it easy to heal. Healium allows you to place any spell, item, or macro onto buttons right next to each person's healthbar. The buttons will cast the spell on the person they are beside of, without the need for you to target the person first.

Player healthbars are compact and close to each other which reduces the amount of screen space you have to look over to monitor the party's health. The spell buttons are very close by, minimizing the space you have to move your mouse, and thus the time required, to cast the spell.

Unlike other healing focused addons, Healium does not require you to set up complex key combinations (shift, ctrl, and alt) to cast your spells. In Healium, you just click a healing button next to the person's health bar. There is no memorization of key combinations required. However, you may use the Clique addon with Healium if you would like to configure mouse and key combinations for some of your heals, to be used along with Healium's buttons.

Raid support was added at the request of Healium's users, however, Healium is not optimized for large raids or battlegrounds, and can fill up half your screen or more if you have all party windows open and have a lot of buttons configured. It is recommended for up to 2 parties (10 players) or less.

Healium was originally based on FB Heal Box and has been updated to work with Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, and now Warlords of Draenor, with many new features.

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Healium Features

  • Up to 15 customizable buttons next to each party/raid member's name and health
    • The buttons have optional cooldown animations.
    • The buttons have optional range checking with customizable frequency
    • The button configurations are saved separately for each talent specialization automatically
  • Drag and drop directly from the spell book to configure spells
  • Unit Frames:
    • Party - Shows your current party
    • Pets - Shows all pets in your party or raid
    • Me - Shows you only
    • Target - Shows your current target (if you have one)
    • Focus - Shows your current focus (if you have one)
    • Friends - Shows the people in your party or raid who are also on your Healium friends list.
    • Tanks - Shows players who have the Tank role
    • Healers - Shows players who have the Healer role
    • Damagers - Show players who have the Damager role
    • Group1-8 - Shows the corresponding raid group
  • Optional mana bar for each player
  • The Unit Frames are compatible with the Clique addon
  • True Unit Frames: Left click on a player's healthbar to target the player or prime a spell and click to cast it on them
  • Displays your HoTs / Buffs that have been assigned in Healium, which are currently on a player, next to each player with a cooldown animation.
  • Debuff Warnings - Audible and visual indicators when someone has a debuff which you can cure with a spell in Healium
    • Healthbar Highlight - Highlights the healthbar
    • Healthbar Coloring - Changes the healthbar color to the color of the debuff type
    • Button Highlight - Highlights the exact healing button for you to press
    • Audio warning - Plays a (configurable) sound


After installing Healium, you will want to configure the button count and the button's spells.

Follow these steps

  • Press the ESC key. That will bring up the Options window.
  • Press the Interface button.
  • Click the AddOns tab.
  • Find Healium in the list and click it.

You should see options specific to Healium, including the Button Count slider, and button dropdowns that allow you to pick healing spells for each button. Use the scrollbar on the right to access more options. The spells in the dropdown just include healing and emergency type spells specifically picked by Healium. If you do not see any spells in the dropdown, make sure you are on a character class that actually has heals. The dropdown will only show heals which you actually have currently in your spellbook. Also make sure you are in the spec that has the spells you want to cast because many spells are only available via talents and will not show up if you are in a spec that doesn't have the spell currently. Those talent specific spells will be saved when you switch specs.

The Healium config panel only shows healing and emergency spells. You may actually use any spell you have trained, including buffs by closing the Healium Config Panel if it is open and drag and dropping a spell directly from you spellbook onto any Healium button. Drag them directly to a Healium button, not to the dropdown in the config panel. It's just like dragging a spell to an action bar.

Macros and Items

Macros and Items are now supported in Healium as of 2.0.0. You must use Drag and Drop to configure them both, as neither macros nor items appear in the Healium menus. Macros must use [@mouseover] modifier to work correctly with Healium, otherwise they will use the default macro target logic (usually cast on you or your current target) Here is an example macro for instant Druid's Healing Touch that works with Healium:

Note that if you omit the [@mouseover] it will cast on your current target or yourself, instead of using the target assigned to the Healium button.

Debuff Warnings

For the debuff warning options to work you simply need to assign any curing spells to buttons in Healium and enable the option(s).

Healium Friends

Healium Friends is a Healium frame which allows you to customize the people that appear in it. Anyone who is on your Healium Friends list, and also in your current party or raid will appear in this frame. It will work with people cross-realm as well. Remember, they have to both be on your Healium friends list and also in your current party or raid to show up.

The Healium Friends list is a global list (not specific to a character). That means that all of your alts on a server share the same list.

Management of the Healium friends list is done via these slash commands.

  • /hlm friends add (Target or name)
  • /hlm friends remove (Target or name or index)
  • /hlm friends list
  • /hlm friends clear

When using /hlm friends add, you may type a name instead of having them targeted. This could be used to add someone offline or otherwise not currently targetable. When you type their name instead of targeting them, make sure you properly capitalize their name, otherwise they will not appear. If you are typing a name for someone cross-realm use this format 'Name-Realm' where there are no spaces before or after the -, but there may be spaces in the realm name, and also make sure you properly capitalize the realm name. Any improper capitalization will result in the user not appearing. It is recommended that you target them when adding, instead of typeing their name, so you don't even have to be concerned about capitalization.

When removing someone via /hlm friends remove, in addition to allowing you to target the person or type their name, you may also specify their 'index'. The index is the index shown next to the player's name via the command /hlm friends list. Dragon ball z 22.


Slash Commands

Type /hlm for a list of slash commands

  • /hlm config - Shows the Healium config panel
  • /hlm show [ party pets me tanks healers damagers friends 1-8 ] - Shows the corresponding Healium frame
  • /hlm reset frames - Resets all Healium frame positions
  • /hlm friends list - shows the current Healium friends list
  • /hlm friends add (Target or name) - adds the player to the Healium friends list
  • /hlm friends remove (Target or name or index) - removes the player form Healium friends list
  • /hlm friends clear - clears the Healium friends list


  • Pet abilities can be used by putting them into macros
  • Macros and items can be used via drag and drop
  • You can right click on a frame caption to access the Healium menu. This can be more convenient than going through the wow UI to get to the Healium config panel.
  • You can right click on a health bar to drag the entire frame.
  • Left clicking on a health bar will target that player.
  • You may right click any Healium button to cast the spell on your current target instead of its intended target. This might be useful in emergencies or just as a way to cast spells/buffs on other people, using the Healium UI.

Known Issues

  • Changing some settings on the Config Panel while in combat will cause problems. Please try to set it up before combat.
  • Changes to the party/raid will cause right-click dragging of a frame window to stop.
  • There are some issues with Holy Word: Chastise and Holy Word: Serenity. The issues cam be somewhat overcome by making a macro and using the macro instead of the Holy Word Spell directly.

Reporting Issues / Bugs / Feedback

Please report all issues as comments on the Healium curse page. These will be looked at! If you are having a problem and are not using an English version client, please also post which language version of the client you are using.

Wow Enemy Health Bar Addon

When you are playing the online role-playing game 'World of Warcraft,' your character gains experience points as you kill monsters, make discoveries and complete quests within the game. After a certain number of experience points, your character will progress to the next level. Your character's percentage of progress to this next level is normally displayed on a bar running across the screen. If your experience bar is missing, either something has hidden it or you turned off your character's ability to gain experience. The method to get your experience bar back will differ depending on the reason for its absence.

Retrieving a Hidden Experience Bar

Press 'Enter' to activate the text bar underneath your chat box. You will see a blinking cursor in the bar.

Enter the following code into the bar, without quotes: '/script MainMenuExpBar:Show()'. Ensure that you have correctly capitalized the code as shown, as casing matters to the game code.

Press 'Enter' to complete your code. Your experience bar will appear on the screen.

Turning on Experience Gains

Log in to your desired character. Travel to Stormwind if you have an Alliance character or Orgrimmar if you have a Horde character.

Visit the Experience Eliminator, located within the city. For Alliance characters, the eliminator is in the small room to the right of the throne room in Stormwind Keep. For Horde characters, the eliminator is on the top floor of the Hall of the Brave, located in the Valley of Honor. Both eliminators are stealthed rogues, so you will have to get very close to them to see them.

Right-click the eliminator to bring up a small chat window. Click the text that reads 'I wish to start gaining experience again.' Click the 'Accept' button and pay 10 gold. Your experience bar will appear on the screen.

Wow Show Numbers On Health Bar Chart


Once you reach the maximum level, your experience bar will disappear and not allow you to bring it back.

If you want to hide your experience bar again, just replace 'Show()' with 'Hide()' in the code line for showing the bar.

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This entry was posted on 17.08.2019.