Why Is Ps4 Download So Slow
Categories: PlayStation Video Game ConsolesPlayStation 4
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- How to fix SLOW Download and Upload speed for the Ps4. Many different possibilities could be affecting your ps4 and router. This is one avenue that you can take to increase your upload.
- Why are PlayStation 4 download speeds terrible? Here are some ideas. Cautions that there may be other reasons for a slow download that are specific to a user's network or internet service.
So, no matter what speed my PlayStation 4 says my download speed is, my ps4 will only download things at.02mb a second. Right now its telling me my download speed is 18mb a second, but my download is still only going at.02 mb a second.
Português: Aumentar a Velocidade de Download do Playstation 4, Español: aumentar la velocidad de descarga de la PS4, Italiano: Aumentare la Velocità di Scaricamento della PlayStation 4, Deutsch: Bei der PS4 die Download Geschwindigkeit steigern, ไทย: เพิ่มความเร็วในการดาวน์โหลดของ PlayStation 4, Русский: увеличить скорость загрузки PlayStation 4, العربية: زيادة سرعة تنزيل بلايستيشن 4, Bahasa Indonesia: Meningkatkan Kecepatan Unduh di PlayStation 4, Tiếng Việt: Tăng tốc độ tải về trên PlayStation 4, 한국어: 플레이스테이션 4의 다운로드 속도 높이는 방법, 中文: 提高PlayStation 4的下载速度, Français: augmenter la vitesse de téléchargement d'une PlayStation 4, Nederlands: De downloadsnelheid van een PlayStation 4 verhogen
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Ps4 Slow Download Speed Fix
It took 16 hours to download a 7GB game on the Xbox......... wtf? I used to own a PS4 and it would take all day to download on that too. If I purchase a game on either console, I know I'm not playing it until the next day. Thank Feck they didn't go digitally only, not only for that but the price of digital games on these consoles is crazy. I've just got no interest however in purchasing retail games, all that means is I have to keep swapping the disc out, it means I never bother and just play games on my PC instead.
These services cost money and they're so slow, I can download 7GB on Steam in 5 mins, it goes the full bandwidth of my net, 35MBps.