The Very Best Wow Quest


Instal this AddOn like any other AddOn. Instal one or more Best Quest modules like any other AddOn. Use the installer provided by this website if you really must. Whenever updating or installing.any. AddOn you.must. quit WoW completely, relaunch, then enjoy! Modules Best Quest Lore - Level appropriate advice on lore and where to quest. This page was last edited on 19 September 2018, at 19:27. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. World of Warcraft content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors.

Consider who you want to be within a party. The class you choose will depend on what function you want to perform within the group. There are several classes specific to each role:
  • Tank: Tanks are the players with a lot of armor and hit points that take all the damage on them when fighting several mobs at once or a very powerful mob (bosses or elites). Choose:
    • Protection Warriors
    • Blood Death Knights
    • Protection Paladins
    • Guardian Druids.
    • Brewmaster Monks.
    • Vengeance Demon Hunters.
  • DPS (damage per second): Damage dealers, as the name implies, are players who are responsible for dealing damage in the group. It is almost always abbreviated as DPS (Damage per second) or DPSer in-game. DPS can be separated into two large groups:
    • Those who do damage mostly to nearby enemies, or, as we call, enemies in melee range.
    • Those who do damage to enemies usually from a far distance.
  • Types of Ranged DPS:
    • Balance Druids.
    • Beast Mastery and Marksmanship Hunters.
    • Arcane, Fire, and Frost Mages.
    • Shadow Priests.
    • Elemental Shamans.
    • Affliction, Destruction, and Demonology Warlocks.
  • Types of Melee DPS:
    • Frost and Unholy Death Knights.
    • Enhancement Shamans.
    • Feral Druids.
    • Havoc Demon Hunters.
    • Retribution Paladins.
    • Assassination, Outlaw and Subtlety Rogues.
    • Survival Hunters.
    • Fury and Arms Warriors.
    • Windwalker Monks
  • Healer: A healer is a character whose primary combat purpose is to heal friendly creatures or give them defensive buffs. Priests, Druids, Paladins, Monks, and Shamans can all serve as healers. Healers are typically the second most in-demand role for a dungeon or a raid, after tanks. Choose:
    • Discipline and Holy Priests
    • Restoration Druids.
    • Holy Paladins
    • Restoration Shamans.
    • Mistweaver Monks.
Posted by9 years ago

Wow Trust No One Quest

I've recently actually started paying attention to the lore in wow. It's amazing, and I really wish that between lvl 1-60 (when I was purlry questing to get to lvl 80) I had paid attention to what was going on.

The best quest chain that I have ever done was the one in northend where you(irrelevant of your faction) needed to help an alliance npc die in piece. You had to travel to some really obscure places and talk to some characters that you met while lvling. In th end the big shiny light from Shattrath came and assisted him on his path to the light. It kind of made me feel wired and I have read absolutley 100% of the quests since that one.

I later found out that the quest chain I just mentioned was a tribute to a real person who was close to the dev team who had died of cancer, this was their was of dedicating something to him. That kind of solidified it as my #1 quest chain. I'll try and find it's name now.

TL:DnR what's your #1 quest chain.

The Very Best Wow QuestThe Very Best Wow Quest

(wrote this on an iPhone, sorry if it's unreadable)

edit it's called hope yet remains.

The Very Best Wow Quest List

The very best wow quest helper
This entry was posted on 07.08.2019.