Hearts Of Iron 4 South Africa

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  3. Hearts Of Iron 4 South Africa Tag
Posted by2 years ago
  • This expansion to Hearts of Iron IV introduces unique historical paths and events for the major British Dominions - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - and the Indian Raj, as well as a new autonomy system to manage subject states.
  • The country tag for South Africa is: SAF. The command to play as South Africa is: tag SAF. The command to annex South Africa is: annex SAF. South Africa has 4 states within (at the start of the game). These are: Transvaal; South West Africa; Cape; Natal; If you're interested in finding out state IDs, check out our state ID list.

Hearts Of Iron 4 South Africa Colonies


Dec 16, 2016 - Playing any nation in Hearts of Iron IV beyond the big players, like Great Britain. That South Africa no longer exists in Together for Victory.

So, after living through 4 HOIs, I: 1.) Buy it after its been out for 6 months (let the bugs work out and let some significant DLC come out). 2.) Really enjoy this version. If the TfV DLC is any indication Politics and country-unique content seem to be where HOI IV is going. Which is great because I: 3.) Really enjoy taking minors and trying to make them powerful. Unique minor content gives these a lot of options.

So having said all that, I noodled around with South Africa last night (too late at night...) and I am looking for suggestions on how to approach my serious stab at Becoming a Post-War Great Power in Africa. My pre-conditions:

1.) I want to stay out of the Axis as long as possible, potentially the whole war. Potentially make a land grab at British Imperial Territory after the War ends.

2.) Having said that I want Angola, Mozambique and possibly Madagascar (either through an event or a land grab from Vichy).

SouthHearts Of Iron 4 South Africa

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Any advice out there on national focuses and timing? It seems like going Fascist as early as possible and gaining independence in early 1939 is the way to go (maximizes commonwealth tech bonuses), followed by a DOW on Portugal before the War begins.

Unit wise, 3 Battalion Brigade-sized units (2 INF+1 ART) or Small Armored Divisions (2 ARM/2 MOT) look suited to Africa with companies aimed at self-sufficiency and minimizing attrition (Maintenance, Hospital, Logistics, Engineer, Recon; in that priority order). Any thoughts on how to maximize Leadership/Army Points?


Hearts Of Iron 4 South Africa Tag

Any other general advice is appreciated.

  • Summary:Join the Dominions as they step up to the challenge of defending the motherland for King and Country in Together for Victory, the first major expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, the critically acclaimed strategy wargame from Paradox Development Studio. This expansion puts the focus on BritishJoin the Dominions as they step up to the challenge of defending the motherland for King and Country in Together for Victory, the first major expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, the critically acclaimed strategy wargame from Paradox Development Studio. This expansion puts the focus on British Commonwealth nations, deepening the experience of playing these outposts of the English language. Expand
  • This entry was posted on 24.08.2019.