Mount And Blade Paradigm Worlds
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Paradigm Worlds is a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband, created byKarol Grodecki.
Apr 15, 2019 - Free download. Paradigm Worlds is a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband, created byKarol Grodecki. Description (in author's own words). Now, that was a really scary prospect because we had already invested thousands of man-hours into the existing UI. Fortunately, early in the development process, we had decided to use a paradigm called MVVM to create the UI.
Description (in author’s own words):
In science and philosophy, a paradigm /'par?da?m/ is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field. (Wikipedia)
RACES (playable):
PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF MORLOK – totalitary system in victorian era
NECROCORP SYNDICATE – undeads with future tech corporate syndicates
ALIEN SHOGUNATE – space aliens in Japan's shogunate opaque
FANTASY MAGIOUCRACY – elves, orcs and djiniis in Tolkien's setting
UNITED STATES OF RENAISSANCE – historical human faction
SANITARIUM CONSPIRACY – far east setting with matrix conspiracy
SUB-FACTIONS: (playable bolded)
Justice League (Pirate Hunters, Vampire Hunters)
Scoiatael Commando (Elven Rebels)
Weimear Rebels (Medieval Knights)
Scav Mutated Morloks (Radiated and sick Morloks)
Undeads (Skeletons, Skeletal Mages, Liches, Draugrs, Vampire Thralls, Assassins)
Doomsday Cultists (Evil Ketele Cultist)
Alien Pirates (Space Pirates with blasters)
Star Gate Expedition (SG human soldiers)
Techno Mages (Ghostly cyber techno plasma weapon users)
Old Gods Crusaders (Classical Medieval Chivalry)
Lost Legion (Roman Empire Legionists)
Crazy Pikts (Rotten demoralized elves)
Desert Abominations (Desrt skeletons)
Angry Dwarves (Rebel miner, chaos dwarves)
Corsairs (Sea dwarven pirates)
Escaped Mutants (deformed mutants)
Cannibals -> Undeads
Longbeard Engineeers (dwarven specialists)
Fallen Legion (vampires, nosveratu)
Tao Dimension Order (unique disc throwers)
Digital Legion (high-tech predators) Cara kompres video dari 480p ke 360p.
Crimson Brothers (sea aliens)
Unknown Experiment Narvik (mutant order)
275 one-handers (swords, maces, axes, wands, katanas, lightsabers, etc.)
106 two-handers (greatswords, nodachis, hammers, etc.)
129 polearms (halberds, staves, glaives, hafted blades, etc.)
26 bows (elven, orcish, uruks, magic, etc.)
26 types of arrows (poisoned, barbed, energy, magic, explosive, etc)
56 thrown weapons (knives, shurikens, grenades, javelins, pilums, jarids, palantirs, heads (yes!), daggers, harpoons, spears, magic missiles, etc.)
24 handguns (flintlock, wheelock, revolvers, pistols, nailguns)
53 firearms (arquebus, blunderbus, shotguns, rifles, sniper rifles, carbines, machine guns, SMGs,)
36 crossbows&energy weapons (blasters, launchers, panzerfaust, laser and plasma weapons, wands, magic staves, kinetic rifles, unique launchers, etc.)
18 kinds of ammo (cartridges, shock, explosive, dum-dum bullets, silvered bullets, buckshots, nails, etc.)
31 kinds of energy ammo (plasma, laser, flying skulls, red, blue, green, yellow energy, missiles, bio-hazard bullets, bolts, viral missiles, etc.)
73 books & goods (cheese, pyre powder, gunpowder, fisstech, elfskin, mushrooms, human flesh, elven skin, coffee, corn, watermelon, skill-books, crystals, antiques, etc.)
460 armours (plates, mails, mithril, kevlar, teflon, trench, combat suits, uniforms, panzer, energy, ghostly, etc.)
Mount And Blade Warband Paradigm Worlds Wiki
159 parts of different armour sets (gloves, gauntlets, tatoos, boots, greaves, magic, futre tech, modern, military, elven, orcish etc.)
158 shields (magic ritual shield, tech-shield, anti-hack shield; power field, pavise, scutum, kite, board)
over 90 different types of mounts and vehicles
animals (horses, camels, elephants, deers, pegazes, bears, spiders, ponys, goats, wargs, wolves, stallions, chargers, hunter, etc.)
vehicles (hovercraft, techno-brooms, bionic spiders, etc.)
elite, artifacts, legendary items with special abilities
specially crafted launchers, weapons (paralizing palantirs, energy lances, etc.)
huge, detailed map
pbod, freelancer
modified map AI
different scenarios at game start
cannibalizing, slave trading
autofire (smg, machine guns)
explosions, magic effects
new towns, people
new scenes, settings
dynamic, demanding campaign (Doomsday Clock, see details below)
sea travels
you can establish, banish orders, hire their troops
detailed strategy options given to patrol, mercenaries parties
new merchants with unique items
a lot of new buildings for towns, castles and villages
hundreds of new troops from different worlds
movement depending on terrain
changing to factions/sub-factions
new icons, icon unlocker for the player
party healing, morale raising
new tactics and strategy due to new weaponry and troops
fantasy, sci-fi setting
new options to honour and relations (you have a lot options for being 'bad')
regular, elite, special units
30 interesting, unique companions
nearly absolute freedom
un-balanced factions (you can choose easy or hard way)
improved options for being a faction leader (lords bribing, capture kings to force peace, etc.
crafting (create unique artifacts and eqip companions with them)
new banners
responsive developer
listening to players
players are also creators (suggestions, demands are implemented asap)
articles with lore, background
articles describing tactics, races, options
new features are being prepared as we speak
polishing, bug-fixing (asap)
save-compactible (as much as possible)
improving gameplay
always looking for new options, features
As to my knowledge this is only mod or game that gives you ability to use firearms (from flintlock, blunderbus up to AK47) , bows, crosbows, magic wands and staves, laser blasters, side arms (swords, axes, polearms) and even lightsabers in a same, single play. (Let me know if I am wrong).
What is this all about?
Lets imagine everything we know about Roman Empire. As a center of culture, military and administrative organization etc. Lets call it a Roman Empire paradigm.
Now try to recall everything we know about Star Wars. This is knowledge about fictional world, with other than our physics, political situation, etc. It comes from movies, books, comics. Never the less let's call it Star Wars paradigm.
In this game you will experience life with cultures that are created from most different culture, social, political paradigms.
I wonder, there are great 'Tolkien' or 'Star Wars' mods (for a lot of games, but Mount and Blade is an ideal example). But I have never seen mod that would combine all this worlds into a huge cosmogenic Babel tower.
So this is it. I hope that this mod, which I created to see what would happen if so different worlds would meet, is rather a terrarium with interesting ants, than a tower of biblical chaos.
In my opinion cultures such different are impossible to co-exist in one story only at first glance. Than after some time, you'll see (I hope) what I saw: alittle chaostic, but working mechanism created from very different parts.
PARADIGMS that are in the game:
WWII Nazi Germany military forces mixed with medieval chivalry
Steampunk mixed with Soviet Russia political hierarchy
Japan of samurais mixed with space aliens and Star Wars
Orc, uruks, and elves from Tolkien, but living the world in which Sauron won war for the ring
Some modern global paranoia mixed with some magic which can have resemblence to times of Prince of Persia or 1001 nights stories.
One of the most important improvement is DOOMSDAY CLOCK. This mechanic somehow balances game as you become more and more powerful the world is becoming more and more dangerous.
Paradigm worlds are on the verge of autodestruction. There is too much hate, evil, cruelty. This world is becoming hell on Earth. The kingdoms, countries are ruled by tyrans and dictators. This is how empires are falling, and everything with them. This is world in which you fight for struggle. Every dishonorable act: bribery, slave trading, cannibalism brings you closer to chaos and anarchy.
As game-mechanics, DOOMSDAY CLOCK is ticking all the time. Every day is a single click. A click to hell. With every click villain parties become stronger and better trained. Lords have bigger parties and use more advanced units.
Some exceptionally good deeds can click-back DOOMSDAY CLOCK. There is only one way to stop the world from falling apart. To prevent DOOSDAY CLOCK from advancing you have to build temple in every town. So you have to conquer all worlds to take all towns to free the world. What an ironny.
The second most important thing I wanted to do is to create the world when all real and futuristic and fantasy cultures would meet. There are Star-wars, Tolkien fans, fans of cyberpunk and so on. I wanted to create a place where they all could meet. Of course mixing such different worlds can bring chaos and destruction for cohesion of the whole world. It IS strange watching medieval cavalry charge at aliens from outer space. But I think that some kind of balance is possible. Best equipped with modern rifles units don't use any kind of real armor. Beside of tactical shields. Blasters can deadly, but they are slow and inaccurate. And what I cam say: I wanted to imagine who would win, predator or Darth Maul? Nazgul or modern commando? This is place where such an answers can be given. Or better you can take command of each side.
Every unit can be taken prisoner, or recruited other way. Every piece of equipment can be found or bought. There is only one expcetion of this rule, modern troopers, they would rather die, than be held captive. You can imprison undeads, recruit pirate hunters, liches, dark lords, alien samurais, sanitarium inquisitors and everybody else.
Every unit (except mercenaries) has its own culture and can become more advanced. Cannibals die and become skeletons which become viking ghost warriors or dark magus. Scavengers become techno slaves, than cybogs and thechno mages. This are few examples of very rich improvment tree.
Modmerged with PBOD and FREELANCER MOD. No Diplomacy mod (and there won't be for sure. I intend to keep mostly vannila diplomacy with my own modding.
Tons of new weapons, equipment. (1623 – item count for 16.01.2017)
Weapons – you'll find swords, axes, as well as firearms from flintlock rifles to winchesters. You can use magic wands, staffs, modern firearm, or even plasma launchers and energy blasters. There are lightsabers, living and gaining experience artifact, new kinds of thrown weapons like paralizing palantirs or devils' heads.
There are some new products to eat or trade. Some of them are needed to craft special weapons or other artifacts.
There is a lot of new buildings you can order to build i towns and castles. Castles are now bases for recruitment elite units, towns are rather centers for improving stats, like relations, renown and honour. Also there are building improving ways to earn gold.
Building give acces to elite units. Each building give each week more advanced units.
Town's architecture examples: courthouse, bank, local theatre, pirate hunter guild, etc.
Castle's architecture examples: blacksmith, armory, training grounds, etc.
You get special equipment for joining each faction (as a gift from a liege)
A few new companions, rest remodelled (but with old dialogs).
You can cannibalize (eat) prisoners
Slave trading – for trading slaves you lose honor, but earn great amounts of money.
Mount And Blade Paradigm Worlds Companion
A little something on the field of diplomacy: you can send money to kings to improve relations (it can however worsen relation with other kings). This feature is experimental, as I had some problems with coding. If you think, you can help me with that, I will gladly take it.
Each faction have two kinds of troops. Regulars can be recruited from villages, but they can advance to certain point. The elite troops can be recruited only after building additional structures like armory, training grounds etc. They are far more powerful than regulars.
This makes game more interesting, I think. It changes the pace of the game. It is no longer an easy task to become independent.
A lot of new units, from different factions, sub-factions
World map is crawling with different parties, so watch your every move
Lots of bandit parties: from Scoiataels, to Scavs, undeads, so on.
You can start from nothing, or choose A SPECIAL SCENARIO which varies from starting as Alien Pirate, Mercenary Musketeer to a point when you start a game as a leader of small duchy with a few castles and a town.
You can recruit classic troop related to culture, or significant more expensive Personal Guard (custom troops with their own advancement tree)) which has a wide range of weapons and armour to choose from. There is special tree for this custom troop, every with different equipment to choose from.
Mount And Blade Troop Trees
You can bribe lords (if you imprison them) to join your faction. (now this option is available only in CHEAT mode. This is because I have found that some strange things are happening. you can bribe lord if 1. you imprison him 2. talk when in cheat mode
Some items give bonuses to skills like books. For example Legendary Cyber Visor have +3 to 'archery' and tactics skill.
New books with bonuses or special features, also primitive, but magic books.
Magical artifact (just one for now) which gains experience and levels. With every level it becomes more powerful, deadlier weapon. On the last level it even gains alternate weapon mode.
Some weapons have new alternate weapon modes.
New animals as mounts : wolves, wargs, camels, elephants, giant spiders.
You can choose any faction and some minor factions if you have enough Right to Rule, and special equipment (possible to buy from scribes – special merchant you can meet in taverns).
In cheat mode (activated from option menu) you can run Troop Tree from reports menu (quite buggy due to strange troo tree of this mod ie. Diversification to regular, elite troop, personal unit and so on). However it is always better than nothing. You can check most of the regular troops tree.
To install:
Extract into „..MountBlade WarbandModules” and activate in game’s launcher.
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Name | Type | Size | Date | Total | 7 days |
Mount & Blade: Warband - The Parabellum v.1.2a | mod | 866.7 MB | 7/25/2017 | 50.7K | 803 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Floris Mod Pack v.2.55 | mod | 1283.7 MB | 8/13/2017 | 28.6K | 358 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - v.1.100 - 1.168 | patch | 99.2 MB | 7/28/2015 | 156.8K | 355 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - 1776 American Revolution v.1.5 | mod | 455.7 MB | 4/19/2015 | 80.1K | 245 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - A Clash of Kings v.6.0 | mod | 2115.2 MB | 4/13/2018 | 154.4K | 199 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Romance of the Three Kingdoms v.2.76 | mod | 317.4 MB | 12/4/2017 | 22.8K | 169 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Anno Domini 1257 v.1.13 | mod | 1041.1 MB | 4/30/2016 | 133.5K | 168 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - A World of Ice and Fire v.3.0 | mod | 2948 MB | 6/2/2018 | 17.7K | 151 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - The Last Days v.3.5 | mod | 259.2 MB | 12/4/2017 | 69.9K | 149 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Kingdom of Andria v.1.1 | mod | 475.7 MB | 6/21/2017 | 12.5K | 149 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Diplomacy 4.litdum v.0.3 | mod | 551.8 MB | 5/28/2017 | 8.3K | 146 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Dawn of a new era v.4122016 | mod | 606.1 MB | 6/2/2019 | 427 | 132 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Gekokujo v.3.1 | mod | 852.5 MB | 2/20/2017 | 24.8K | 118 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Mount & Gladius v.1.0 | mod | 591.8 MB | 6/21/2018 | 21K | 118 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - ISKLMOD v.1.7.3 | mod | 231.9 MB | 5/31/2019 | 380 | 108 |
Mount & Blade: Warband - Warsword Conquest v.1.2h | mod | 1177.3 MB | 2/20/2017 | 57.7K | 102 |
It was never meant to be personal.
The late King Graveth's gambit all those years ago was one of necessity. The people were underfed, overworked, and on the verge of full scale revolutionary activity. A common enemy was needed.
It was supposed to be a simple target..
..But Graveth, former king of Rhodokia and loather of cats, was far from versed in the skill of calculated betting.
The army was crushed, scattered to the sands along with hope for the future. The hatred that was bred on those deserts survived, and the Rhodoks and Sarranids have viciously warred since.
Perhaps the most bitter rivalry among the lords of Calradia, the two kingdoms have paid each other back many times over: Jelkala sacked and recaptured, Almerra turned into a state of anarchy, and both Hakim and Graveth alike succumbing to the wars known as the 'Crusades'.
Their successors have not showed any signs of deescalation, continuing the endless flood of violence in many more battles. King /u/Perjunkie of Rhodoks has continued his predecessor's defensive strategy, defending the capital at all costs after it's reclamation by the founder of the Rhodok Republic, the late Lord Cakus.
Sultan /u/Arthanias of the Sarranids remembers the day that Jelkala was wrestled back from him all too well. Holding back until the time was right, he has now decided to once more take up the sword against the republicans of the west.
The leader of the Sultanate is a clever man: He could never hope to sack the city after it's repairs and reinforcements, at least alone. Some historians argue that the city would have remained in Sarranid hands if not for the Vaegir lords that Cakus had won over previously arriving in the nick of time to bolster the attackers' resolve.
But the Vaegirs are no longer friends of the Republic. Far from it. King /u/Perjunkie, in a confusing display of foreign policy, has renounced all support for the Vaegir Empire, spurning years of cooperation. Being a pragmatic people, the Vaegirs have chosen instead to honor their other long standing alliance with the Sarranids.